runneraly Member


  • :) me too! Goal weight 136
  • Perhaps your boss and the lady from HR thought that they planned a meal everyone would enjoy? I wouldn't take it too hard or seriously. If anything as another poster said just let your boss know that you hope they weren't offended and perhaps you can offer a better/healthier solution for the next work lunch.
  • Hi there - I agree with the previous poster about trying out a program such as couch to 5km. I used a book from the running room but basically did the same thing. You start with a timed goal and switch between running and walking. I found it difficult to regulate my breathing at first as well. I found it helpful to start…
  • I have made polenta two ways that are really delicious. The first is broccoli polenta. Make polenta as usual. Process 1 or 2 stalks of broccoli in the food processor. Add the raw broccoli to the polenta mixture. Stir to combine and pour into an baking dish to set. The broccoli gives a nice crunchy texture to the polenta.…
  • If your friend doesn't mind, I would try to modify the armband you have. You can get small velcro pieces at fabric, hardware or general stores. If you can sew you can put them on that way. If you can't sew, you might be able to glue them on the armband to extend the velcro area so it fits you.
  • Do you mean so soya slices? There is some discussion of the health of this type of product here:
  • A friend of mine is flirting with the idea of going vegan so he asked me about my cholesterol #. I told him I would ask my doctor when I visited him a couple of weeks later. When I asked my doctor, he just laughed and told me to tell my friend that whatever his cholesterol # was, tell him yours is less. The perks of a…
  • I'm vegan. Add me if you like. I like to cook a lot from veganomicon and, but after starting MFP I realize that some of those recipes are hiding a lot of calories. Would be great to share some healthy new ones.