joygwen Member


  • I am where you started, needing to lose over 100lbs. Seeing your story (and pics) is inspiring. I'm not discounting the users that share successes of using 5, 10, 15 or so lbs but when you have to lose almost what they weigh (or sometimes more!) it sure is great to see others actually doing it. Thanks for sharing.
  • Have you talked with your doctor about a safe way to loose weight? I understand the complications with these medications, and SE of weight gain, etc and I know it's got to be a hard scale to balance. Obviously, trying to modify diet and exercise is hard. All I can suggest is continuing to use MFP to track intake and make…
  • Well said captain. Increase your water, increase your protein and keep making healthy choices and exercising and you'll get to your goal.
  • Drink some extra water because you inevitably ate extra sodium along with those calories, get in some exercise and give yourslef a break. You tracked it, you acknowledged it, now move past it. You're doing great!
  • I love and sites like that to help me find new recipes. You can search for recipes based on ingredients and just type apple, orange whatever in the search line to get some ideas.
  • I've used them in the past to help to loose weight but never followed their "plan". They really only helped when I used them and was doing weight watchers but that's because I was tracking everything and just included them. I don't see a problem with them or any other meal replacement as long as you are keeping track of…
  • Me too me too! I think I'll be around 120-130. It's hard to know when it's been so long since I've been near that weight. Anyone can add me. I'm 9lbs and 20 some days into my journey. It's going to be a long one but we'll get there.
  • You look amazing, like you lost way more than 14lbs. It's good to see that, I'm not doing P90X (though i hope to before the end of the year, actually, maybe by summer) but it's nice to see that even when you don't see a big number on the scale, exercise pays off. I need to do measurements.
  • Have you tried a good ankle brace? I wonder if you could do walking exercises (like outside, on a treadmill or even in your living room with something like Walk Away the Pounds) if your ankle was supported well.
  • I use exercises on demand all the time. I live in apartment, no room for equipment and can't afford a gym membership right now and they have so many to choose from. It is so great!
  • Until I get out of my apt and into a house (hopefully in the next 6 moths) I don't have a treadmill. I actually have one, a wt bench and a heavy bag at my sisters gather dust in her garage...can't wait to get it all back. But...after I start my new job in Feb I'm thinking about joining a gym....maybe. Until then, it's…
  • Oh well in that case I'm in! But, I might have to do it indoors if that's ok, modify it a bit. We are supposed to get ice/snow on Tues and if it's still around I might stay in. A 5k is 3.1 miles and I have some Leslie Sansone videos and I could do her 3 mile and then a little extra. I guess a 5K can def be walking or…
  • I'd like to do a 5K, but not this Thurs, lol. I'm shooting for Sept/Oct. I could walk a 5k at a good pace but I'm no where near running one.
  • I'm in the same boat. I've been at this for about a month consistently and I've lost 6lbs but it's been up and down. I took my measurements when I started this site (not quite a month ago) but I'm going to measure myself monthly. I just wish I could stop stepping on the scale daily. I have to keep reminding myself that…
  • I guess I haven't heard of zig-zagging. But, I think if you completely deny yourself you'll just end up binging so giving yourself one day a week, or however you do it is not a bad thing. I think you can and should eat what you want in moderation.
  • P.S. I just graduated from nursing school so I'm not a medical professional here and have no personal experience but it caught my eye and I'm always eager to research medical/health things and try to help find answers.
  • I found this online from Cedars Sinai "Research has shown that proper use of exercise in the recovery process speeds healing; lack of it during the early stages may result in permanent disability, however. You need to move, but use comfort as your guide. Typically you'll be offered crutches for comfort; it's up to you how…
  • I loved a saying I read in an article once about weight loss. One slip up doesn't have to sabotage your your week, your day or even your meal, just get back on track. If you get a flat tire you don't poke holes in the other 4, you change it and move forward. Drink some extra water to help with sodium and get back on track…
  • You would be one of my skinny friends, lol. But I agree, they probably just love you the way you are. One of my skinny friends (we're talking like I don't know 4ish) and I were exercising and she told me that she didn't see me as fat, I'm just her Joy. She just loves me and thinks I'm beautiful not matter what size. I love…
  • You can add me, I have well over 100lbs to loose so I'm definitely in it for the long haul. I'm a 32 yo single mom to 4 kids and I just finished nursing school so I'm taking time to focus on me somewhat. I've been doing pretty good on exercise, still need to work on my diet but that's coming along too. The biggest change…
  • For something sweet you can make cupcakes with regular cake mix and use either unsweet applesauce and water or pumpkin and water. I've never done the unsweetened applesauce but if you do the pumpkin it's best with chocolate cake mix, one can of pumpkin and about a cup of water. Then you can 'ice' them with cool whip. As…
  • A pound is 3500 calories so it's most likely water weight unless you've truly had a 7000 calorie deficit every day. Do you feel less bloated and puffy? Were your clothes leaving indentions and now they are gone or better?
  • I think there are a lot of reasons why I'm single but I guess it boils down to the fact that it's not God's timing yet. When it's his timing, I'll be ready, he will be ready, we'll meet, or realize it if we already now each other and it'll happen. I know being overweight and unhealthy doesn't help me in that department,…
  • If she can walk, Leslie Sansone has a huge line of DVD's called Walk Away the Pounds. It's pretty low impact but there is someone near her that shows a modified version in the DVDs. If you have access to On Demand on cable t.v. she has some work outs on there too. Go to On Demand, Free Zone, Health and Wellness, Exercise…
  • I'm having major struggles with the scale right now myself. I read a blog the other day about this and one of the things she said is this ‎"The scale can measure your physical weight but never your worth as a woman. Do you know that? I mean do you know it the second you step on that scale and start calling yourself names…
    in hopeless Comment by joygwen January 2011
  • Hi, I'm relatively new here too. I've been tracking food and exercise for a week today. I lost 3lbs and gained it back in that week. Nice huh? I'm low on motivation today, sorry, but I am in the same boat as you. I need to lose over 100 llbs. I've exercised all but 3 days this year (and actually started that on the 31st.)…
  • Ok, thanks for all your info and the tip on searching for old posts. I kind of figured that it had been discussed in length. As much knowledge as I have on this subject, it's hard to eat more. When I was nursing and in WW, I sometimes had a hard time eating extra calories each day and I always lost weight. Heck I lost so…
  • I have Turbo Jam but have gone to Zumba classes. I sweat more and think Turbo burns more calories, both are dance-y but Zumba is more Dance-y. I think which ever one you think you'll do more consistently. You'll probably like both.