

  • Go with friends, at least 3, and split each order between all of you. At least you get to taste the bad stuff. Also I take fat absorption tablets just for those fews times you plan to screw up your diet.
  • If you are truly doing everything right then you might want a consult with your doctor. People with thyroid problems have no control over their weight.
  • Smoothie recipe: You can use any fruit/berries you like and the banana does not have to be frozen and the whey not necessary.
  • Try switching slowly. My doctor ordered diet is one portion of poultry or seafood every other day. My husband has lost 50 pounds on my diet and is quite pleased with himself. Previously if I was watching what I eat then he would passive aggressively rebel until he hit 280 pounds and could hardly tie his shoes. My daugther…
  • A smoothie takes 5 minutes to make. Non fat yoghurt, small banana(or half), fresh or frozen berries, 1 tablespoon ground flax seed/wheat germ, and a bit of water and blend. Pour into an insulated container and off you go. Be sure to rinse the blender blades and container for faster cleanup later. I get organic hummus in…
  • Skate skiing is the fastest most fun way to firm up ever.
  • Well that sounds like a good deal for someone........Get smart. Get an attorney now! Of course he wants to go the attorney less route. He can get a much better deal manipulating you who does not know her legal options.
  • Have you tried farro? It cooks faster than brown rice and tastes nutty. Buy it at your local health food store in the bins cause prepacked is very expensive.
  • She is bored! Find another mom/dad who will trade days child sitting. Take the kiddos out together for a very short ride and play at the park. Then have the other mom entertain the little ones and you take a power ride and the next time you watch the kids while she rides hard.
  • Might try a smoothie with the ground flax, wheat germ or psylluim. You don't need to add the protein powder.
  • Careful, I took three doses and ended up on the bathroom floor. Out like a light. The ER doc said he had the same reaction after one dose. I am allergic to aspirin also. My cholestrol is coming down by diet only:
  • For $200 you can get your genes tested and get the perfect diet for you. One size diet does not fit all. It is not a diet to lose weight but more to live a healthier life and in the process you lose weight. I am doing it and it works.
  • I am 59 going on 60. One small step at a time. Look for a Strong Women class or classes at a senior center. I biked 16.5 miles yesterday. My son rides ahead and will wait for me up ahead. I bike slower to prevent injuring myself or just sore muscles. Darn that moose that came within 5 feet of nailing me yesterday. Get out…
  • Egads first thing I would do is find a Jamaican market. Buy quavas(I miss them), bananas, raw nuts, tomatoes, etc. What could be better than a local market!
  • My doc has me taking 5000 units of vitamins D for the same reason. Every day at about 3 p.m. I was needing a serious nap. Now I am sleepy at about 9 p.m. He says my vitamin D is still low but in a good range. Buy a small bottle of D3-5000 units and give them a try for at least 6 weeks.
  • This is a good article on smoothies/protein shakes!
  • Hummus, tomato, salad greens, sweet onion, mustard, and avacado(healthy fat) between two slices of whole grain bread!
  • I just threw out a too large bra this morning and bought a pair of smaller jeans yesterday. I bought them a tiny bit snugger than I like so I can keep losing. Went to the symphony the other night and oh my goodness...none of my pants fit. On one hand I was elated but on the other hand I have three pairs of that same brand…
  • Too funny! I am getting old. Looked at your picture and thought, she doesn't look old enough to be a senior as in 60 and above. But I get it! You are a high school senior! Woohoo Senior Weeek!
  • This article might help you make better choices concerning oils:
  • My dietition wants me to go to the local health club and get measured with the dunk in the water tank method. She says it costs about $75 here in Alaska.
  • You look fantastic! 59 is a great age to get in shape!
  • Frankly, I think the diabetes food plate is easier to understand and it is a good guide for most everyone.
  • I agree with JennW10. Except I go to my local health food store and buy bulk organic rolls grains: oat, rye, spelt, barley etc. Mix them together with organic raw tree nuts(ones that you are not allergic to). One half cup of this mix and top with fresh berries or fresh fruit and skim milk. Also good is a smoothie:…
  • I buy organic five grain rolled cereal in bulk. Add all kinds of nuts/seeds and ground flax seed. One half cup of mixed cereal and nuts topped with fresh berries/fruit or heaven forbid dried fruit and pour organic skim milk on top and viola breakfast! Sometimes I cheat and mix in some of the Kashi cereals for more crunch.
  • I am not a fan of plain yoghurt but this smoothie is like having ice cream every day but much healthier. I make it without the honey. I always use yoghurt but the other ingredients change daily.
  • So far no negative comments on my losing weight. My daughters friend has chosen me as the designated driver since alcohol is not on my diet. Most want to know about the Perfect Gene Diet. The worst comment I ever had was: " You will gain it all back." I wanted to punch her in the neck.
  • My dietition has me reading the Whole Soy Story. She disapproves of anything soy......Sheeesh
  • I am with Nicole. Eat healthy before you go. Then just a bite/taste of what looks best at the buffet.
  • cucumbers and apple cider vinegar, a little salt and pepper! I thought I was weird! Must go buy cucumbers...