myalienbody Member


  • You certainly sound motivated and that is a huge step! Congratulations for starting and I wish you much luck and offer even more support!
  • I'm gluten free now! I had my thyroid removed in Oct. 2010 and was just diagnosed with Celiac disease in Oct. 2012. When I look back over my life, there were small insignificant signs that I might have an issue with wheat/gluten. But really small issue. After my thyroid removal and RAI treatment I was fine until 8 months…
  • I don't have Hashimoto's (spelling?) or antibodies. I have Celiac (confirmed via biopsy). I didn't agree with everything from Wheat Belly either. As with all those types of books, I take them all with a grain of salt. Having experienced it myself, though, I am convinced the book has much merit (although not enough to drive…
  • After seeing the T3/T4 discussion a lot, I asked my endo and this was her response: "Thanks for your question. Yes, your thyroid replacement is T4 only. In general most Endocrinologists do not recommend taking Armour or other preparations of thyroid replacement. It is not necessary to take T3 in a pill form since your body…
  • I rarely eat processed GF products. I don't even bake anymore, so I'm not using alternate flours and such. Nope, my metabolism tanked when my thyroid was removed. It's been really hard to lose weight. it's very frustrating. However, losing weight isn't impossible, so that's why I'm stepping up my game!
  • You ARE close! I live off Foxworthy & Almaden Expressway. Our favorite place to walk is Communications Hill, because of the hills! Great cardio!
  • I'll check out the book...and your blog! I blog as well,'s random and odd stuff, sometimes food. :-) I suspect I'm sensitive to corn as well, because I react to foods that are heavy with gluten free cornbread and mixes. I didn't eliminate any of the other triggers, like eggs/soy/etc...but it probably…
  • That's fantastic! Congratulations! I very rarely eat GF substitute products, because my body doesn't seem to like too much of the alternative flours, but an occasional treat is divine! :-) I'm trying to figure out how to reply properly to a specific comment...I'm trying the 'quote' feature to see if I get it right this…
  • Hi! Wow, you've lost 115 pounds? That is fantastic! I just recently finished reading _Wheat Belly_. I totally recommend it. If I didn't have Celiac, I'd be considering going gluten free (or at least Wheat free). The terrible stomach issues, fatigue and joint pain went away shortly after I stopped eating all gluten. It was…
  • Hi! Yeah, I do the same thing...still weight loss is extremely slow for me. When I went totally gluten free about 5 months ago I cut out all the things I used to eat and did NOT replace them with GF products. I decided I wanted to cut those gut busters out of my diet. The only thing I do buy, which I eat maybe twice a…
  • Hi! I'm new to myfitnesspal (a new fitbit owner as well), diagnosed with Celiac about 5 months ago (never doing an upper endoscopy, ever) and a thyroid cancer survivor. My ability to lose weight plummeted after thyroid removal, despite thyroid hormone medication, so this is my last stand! Everyone I know who…
  • Hi! I'm a myfitnesspal newbie, a 2 year thyroid cancer survivor AND fairly recently diagnosed with Celiac disease (5 months ago). I've had a helluva time losing weight after my thyroid surgery...ugh. I've lost 20 pounds since dealing with stomach issues and ultimately having to go gluten free. But, even after I radically…