

  • I'm careful about maintaining an eating schedule. I've found that I fall off the wagon less when my body knows what time the next ration is coming. I stagger my meals and snacks so that there isn't too much time in between. Also, I try to choose snacks that are healthy. (Almonds or avocados are my favorite) They seem to…
  • :wink: HA! THANKS! YOU TOO!:wink:
  • BULKY AND CHUNKY MONKEY :) Be kind, try to ignore the workout clothes and tired face. I'm squat pressing 3x5 225. BP 3x5 105 I weigh in at 185# 5'6" But that weight is steadily decreasing. Even in my hayday I was bulky. My husband affectionately calls my legs "The Man Hams" lol I agree with other responses that it has to…
  • It is VERY helpful to hear about your BMI classification!! In fact, I just posted in another group yesterday about the inaccuracy of BMI charts. It gives me hope to know that there are others out there that are fit and run heavier (in weight alone) then the BMI chart says you should be. Judging from your pic, you aren't…