

  • I hate to even throw this out, but for me, a sudden chicken hate and a midsection that won't budge = first trimester.
  • Holy crap! She is so much cooler than me!
  • Thanks to all of you! I will certainly check out power cleans. I have watched a few videos and they intimidated the heck out of me, but they do look fun. I'll look at the bent over back rows as well.
  • Thanks everybody! This program has given me a new appreciation for how amazing the human body really is. We are all so different, yet so capable! :smile:
  • Loving learning more about you awesome ladies! I am Kayla, 35 years old. Married for 10, with 3 little kids (5 years to 9 months). The last 5 years have been the longest of my life, mostly due to being awake for so much of them. :smile: I never was overweight until I learned how to cook for myself. And boy, I love food and…
  • ^^What she said! I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but my workout buddy and I laugh about how incompetent our math skills get when we enter the "RONE ZONE" - it's like we can't even count reps by the time we're into 2 sets of heavy squats, let alone figure out what plates we need for the next exercises and…
  • I am 5 weeks into the program and have had no problems with supply (my baby is 8 months old). I am eating (a lot). No change in weight. Before I started lifting, I did cut my calories too low and had a week or 2 of low supply, but as long as I keep 2000+ k/cal per day, I have been fine with supply as well as progressing…
  • Thanks everyone! I don't know if that car seat is going to get any easier. My baby is gaining on an aggressive schedule. Not quite 5 lbs a workout, but just as well.
  • Thanks so much for the advice, ladies. If I did manage to get out 5x5 on Friday, it would be with truly frightening facial expressions and even worse form. I am thinking I will deload to 50 to work on form (even though my ego really wants the 55) and go up a little slower with my fractionals. As my workout partner…
  • I am breastfeeding my 7 month old and started SL 2 weeks ago. I have not noticed any decrease in milk supply (and I pump during my workday, so I would notice if it were happening). I do eat 2000-2300 kcal per day, depending on my activity level. A couple of months ago, I tried to go lower than that, and my supply did…
  • Totally my dream. My goal is to do one chin up by the end of the year. A few days ago I tried a negative at the gym. Picture a deflating balloon. I am still laughing at myself.
    in Pull-ups? Comment by kay_der May 2013
  • Thanks for all the encouragement! I am looking forward to the next workout.
  • Bump for later.
  • I am not calling myself a success story yet, but I have lost 11 lbs in 9 weeks using a stationary bicycle under my desk at work and tracking my calories. It is working for me.
  • I got a Magnetrainer off Amazon and I have been using it 4 days a week. I try to go 20 miles per day on 70% resistance. I did have to move my worktop up about 6 inches so I did not hit my knees, but I have had no problems with carpal tunnel, etc., so far. It is super quiet and does not disturb by co-workers at all (we are…
  • My target is 1330 net and I eat back every one of my 500 BF calories and 300 exercise calories. If I am even just 100 short for a day or two, I notice a drop in supply. Edit: To be more clear, my total intake is about 2130. I have lost 8 pounds since I started tracking 5 weeks ago.
  • I just hit my 1 month. I have lost 7 lbs and 1 inch from my waist, 3 from my hips. I started very quickly (6 lbs in 2 weeks) but had to slow down because I am breastfeeding and I started to lose my milk supply. It is just in the last couple of days that the scale started moving again.
  • Wow. $40 per month? I don't know if it can be done. $50, maybe, if you are very, very careful, cook for yourself, and don't mind repeating meals often. You are probably going to lose some weight, since that package of noodles really has to last for 8 meals. The Basics: If you are starting with an unstocked kitchen (i.e.,…