ChronoPhantasm Member


  • It's pure fabrication. The only thing they will do is work on building muscles there. You will lose the fat in your belly as you're losing fat everywhere else.
  • While it's true you could be putting on some muscle, it wouldn't even account for gaining half a pound. When I first started dieting, a little while before I joined the site, I hadn't been drinking very much on a normal basis and suddenly started drinking 8 cups a day, so I was holding on to water weight for a couple…
  • Hmm, I'm not exactly sure what it means by net and gross calories, but I agree, enter the lower amount. You can *kitten* the progress of your weight loss in a week with math to see which number seems to be more accurate IF you're tracking your food carefully and know your TDEE. Or you can wait a month and see in general if…
  • I don't understand what about tracking net calories takes 'years of refinement'?
  • If the sound from the tv is waking your child up, you could possibly try getting some wireless headphones to work out while he's asleep. Don't worry, if he starts crying and screaming you should still be able to hear if you need to check on him. I hope this helps if the other things haven't.
  • Not knowing proper etiquette makes me scared to go into a gym now... I guess when I get to that point in my fitness I'll just get weights for home. : (
  • I like to make 16 bean soup mix with whatever veggies I have that are good in soup/ stew. Just discard ham flavor packet and use your own broth. It's pretty low calorie, has lots of fiber, very filling and tastes SOOOO good and homey. It does have some carbs, but they're from beans so they're not bad. Sometimes I like to…