Could anyone help with vegan recipes :)

Hey guys! Not really sure how this works!
I'm really trying to loose quite a lot of weight by august, and I'm a vegan. If anyone has any advice on some vegan meals which can keep you going through the day - but which aren't just lots of carbs that would be fabulous :)

Thankyou (: xxxx


  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    Get crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr. And Clean start by Terry Walters. My wife is a Vegan.
  • Thanks :) I'll have a look into both of those right away! :D
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    the ppk

    awesome recipes, many easy to make
  • This probably is already known to you but blogs like fatfreevegan and ohsheglows have really great vegan recipe databases, I would suggest checking there if you haven't already.

    My favourite breakfast is based off of the OSG vegan overnight oats recipe and I think my version (oats/almond milk/chia/bitof sugar & cinnamon) comes in somewhere around 225cal; while it is carby I can bump it up with flax and a banana and it usually lasts me up to six hours. (Breakfast at 7ish before work and it lasts me until lunch at 1 so that's pretty filling I think.)e

    But yeah definitely poke around FFV and OSG if you haven't already! Cheers and good luck!
  • xo_erinnichole
    xo_erinnichole Posts: 1 Member


    are also really great. They aren't always vegan but I find making substitutions are pretty easy. The Skinny ***** books are good but not always focused on weight lose. Let me know if you find any other good sites or helpful boats. I'm in the same boat!
  • Thankyou !!!!! :D
  • I love the idea about the oats! I think that's something i'm going to do for sure! Thankyou so much!

    I'll have a look at all the suggested blogs! Thanks you guys!!! :D
  • ChronoPhantasm
    ChronoPhantasm Posts: 8 Member
    I like to make 16 bean soup mix with whatever veggies I have that are good in soup/ stew. Just discard ham flavor packet and use your own broth. It's pretty low calorie, has lots of fiber, very filling and tastes SOOOO good and homey. It does have some carbs, but they're from beans so they're not bad. Sometimes I like to serve it with a tortilla or some rice and you can finish it off with hot sauce too. I wouldn't make more than 1/2 bag at once if it's only for one or two people!