classysassy4ever70 Member


  • Yesterday's Goals 1) Exercise - epithelial machine in the morning & aerobics dance in the evening - :) 2) Drink 10/8oz of water - :) 3) Walk 10,000 or more steps - 10,248 steps - :) 4) Make menu for the week - doing it on a daily basis the night before - :) I need to stay accountable... so I will log in everyday as a…
  • Yay... I was able to add myself! I'm official this time around! lol
  • Goals for this week: 1) Exercise - epithelial machine this morning & weight training in the evenings 2) Drink 10/8oz of water 3) Walk 10,000 or more steps 4) Make menu for the week
  • GM everyone! Today's Goals 1) Exercise - epithelial machine this morning - done :) 2) Drink 10/10oz of water 3) Walk 10,000 steps 4) Catch up on work. Had to go out of town for my Aunts Memorial Service this past week.
  • Whatever works best for the group, works for me
  • I've been off for a few weeks and haven't even posted. But I am tracking all of my food. I realized its stress eating. so I am ready to re-commit. Good luck everyone!
  • I am yoyo-ing at the moment. I'm down and then boom I'm up. Its the same 2 pounds! Ugh!!!
  • Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise - started a new exercise challenge via RunKeeper & technically its my rest day! 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water 5) Stay positive & try to relax 6) Post daily on the thread When/Where are we suppose to post out weight? Happy Monday! B)
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise - (Walking @ PM) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Stay positive - hard to when you have a death in the family & have a family member in the dying process all at the same time. UGH! But they are in a better place so…
  • Hi everyone! Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise - (Pilates - AM) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Stay positive (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise - (Pilates & Weight Training @ AM (*) -…
  • Hi everyone! Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise - (Walking - @ lunch) - wasn't in the mood! 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Stay positive (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise - (Pilates @ AM (*) &…
  • A new week... Fresh Start! Had a real bad food allergy this weekend so I am trying to make sure I keep it clean and non-toxic for me. This is one of my biggest challenges these days. Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise - (Walking - @ lunch) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water…
  • I have been in those shoes myself as well. I haven't done Yoga & Pilates in a real long time. I am not flexible/bendy anymore. I had to start from scratch and I have been my worst enemy in this process. I decided to do the DVDs instead of taking classes. Once I feel comfy, then I will return to a class. It would actually…
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise (Pilates) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (lemon & ginger water) (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise (Pilates - AM) (*) - (Walking - PM) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of…
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise (Yoga) - nope, wasn't in the mood. I went shopping instead! 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (lemon & ginger water) (*) 5) Work on my son's school project (parents portions) UGH! (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for…
  • Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise (Yoga) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (lemon & ginger water) 5) Work on my son's school project (parents portions) UGH! Have a wonderful day! :)
  • Majority rules... I go with the flow! B)
  • I lost 3.5 pounds this week.
  • Yesterday's Goals 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise (walked & Yoga) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Stick to my Detox Lemon Water (*) Today's & this Weekend Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise (Yoga in the morning & walk @…
  • Yesterday's Goals 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories - Was under...yippie (*) 3) Exercise (walk @ lunch & something else in the evening (stretches)) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water - went over by 2 glasses (*) (*) 5) Make dinner for the family (*) 6) Stick to my Detox Lemon Water (*)…
  • Yesterday's Goals 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories - Went over by a few hundred but ate healthy foods. 3) Exercise (walk @ lunch & something else in the evening) (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Make dinner for the family (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay…
  • Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise (walk @ lunch & something else in the evening) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water 5) Make dinner for the family Enjoyed watching the commercials during the Super Bowl. I ate healthy stuff and that made my night! I usually make finger foods…
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories & not eat the pantry!!! - nope I attacked! But I tracked every bite! 3) Exercise (walk on my lunch break & going to try and get some crunches in) - rained so I only got 17 mins and no crunches. 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Make…
  • Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories & not eat the pantry!!! 3) Exercise (walk on my lunch break & going to try and get some crunches in) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water 5) Make dinner for the family
  • Goals for the last 2 days: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 4) Make dinner for the family (*) 5) Try and stay STRESS FREE at home & at work (*) 6) exercise wasn't on my goals list for yesterday but I took a 30 min walk & I did some weights (*) (*)…
  • I am down 6 pounds this week. I had the gain last week. So hopefully it will continue on the downward end.
  • Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water 4) Make dinner for the family 5) Try and stay STRESS FREE at home & at work Tomorrow is my official WI and will post then. I think I lost what I gained during the holidays. (keeping my fingers crossed)! :) Happy…
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories (*) 3) Exercise (walk on my lunch break) 32 mins (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Make dinner for the family (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day 2) Stay within my calories 3) Exercise (walk on my lunch break) 4)…
  • Yesterday's Goals: 1) Plan out my meals for the day (*) 2) Stay within my calories - went over by not much 3) Exercise (walk on my lunch break) 25 mins (*) 4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water (*) 5) Do laundry - nope (it'll be this weekend) 6) Make dinner for the family (it's in the crock pot) (*) Today's Goals: 1) Plan out…