aminswife Member


  • I'm having similar issue with Insanity...and all my life I've never been able to do those military style push ups from the toes...I've always to modifiy it to me knees, I have very little upper body strength. God I'm wrecked, just got through the first workout.
  • Funny you should mention it...I am a Palak Paneer addict!!
  • And thank you ndj1979 for all your help! Appreciate it.
  • Thanks I understood you. Using this method have you found it to work? I can't understand why I've not lost a pound when I've been eating my 1200 cals - this is then a 1000 calorie deficit to my TDEE (supposing its 2221)
  • Thank you :)
  • On the calculator it asks to enter current weight in pounds AND goal weight in pounds...are you saying I should put the same figure in both entries? Cos that seems a bit strange to me?
  • Yeah the two are almost the same for me too, just drastically low under katchmcardle
  • Thank you that was very helpful
  • Your sarcasm is wasted on me, sorry
  • I wish you were right but the approx same values came out on the fat2fit site and this one: Im not entering wrong values...
  • I got it tested with some machine by a bootcamp instructor 2 years ago when I was 2 stone that point (not using a calculator but an electronic machine) it came in at 47%, exclusing organs, so I sincerely doubt its wrong.
  • I know but if I should be following KatchMcArdle then I am going to pile on the pounds using Harris Benedict, its almost 1000 calories difference each day....even if I averaged it out and split the difference, I would still put on weight using Harris Benedict. Do you see why I'm confused? And hesitant about eating an extra…
  • This is what started me down this confused path.... I used the website he recommended so here is what it told me (it calculated my bf% to be 67.3) I've pasted it in says KatchMcArdle is more accurate but then goes on to tell me to eat between 1800 cals + (as I exercise lightly/moderately 3+ times each week Ok…
  • I did read it ! You need the TDEE!!!
  • The Scoobyworkshop claims to use the Harris Benedict formula The other three all came from this website ( , I enter the data once and it gives all three, so I didn't enter wrong data ?? Katch McArdle is recommended if you know your body fat % which I do, so I put that in, but its the…
  • There is an almost 1000 calorie difference between my TDEE comparing the KatchMcArdle forumla to the Harris Benedict formula. That's a huge variance. I know my BF% so if I put that in it auto chooses the KatchMcArdle, which gives me a TDEE of 1493 and when I play with the calculators on page 2, then to lose a pound a week,…
  • Wow!!!! I'm so jealous!!! You look amazing!!! Happy Birthday :) So how did you do it, c'mon spill....
  • Meath here ! <3 We gotta collectively get Irish stuff in the database!
  • This is a bad habit of mine too, I find though on thinking about it, that all I really want is a flavour hit and not bothered about the quantity ( so usually I just finish the whole lot of whatever it is ) I think if you have some calories reserved, savour what you're eating by eating it realllllly slowly, that way you'll…
  • That's have started a lot already...I need to get my *kitten* in gear to catch up!!
  • mmmm frozen chocolate, I never thought of that.... I've tried having low calorie hot chocolate drink instead, but usually find it too watery to satisfy. My husband is a chocaholic so theres always loads of it in my would popping one choccie before bed as a reward system do? would 20g of chocolate a day be bad??…
  • I'm ready to feel the burn and excited to think what I'll wear when its done!! Have you set yourself a small goal for the next while? What exercise do you think you might do? I'm terrified of this Insanity program, but I believe it will kickstart me to fitness and further weightloss...Giving up is NOT an option!!
  • I've 60lbs to lose and would love a friend to help keep each other going- I just started a thread here myself "almost 30...." so have a read so u can see my background. I'm the voice of sensibility to everyone but myself, so I need from someone! And I need accountability and will help you stay accountable. We can do…
  • I stick to the 'girly style' with the knees because my Phys Ed teacher once told me that new research had shown that the military style ones can damage a woman's womb. Thanks very much but I want my womb working perfectly!