Ilyandra Member


  • I used to think people would judge me (unfavorably, of course) if I didn't look like them (fit, tanned, thin), and I used that rationalization to avoid exercising around other people. As if I would magically wake up one morning and have a swimmer's body without stepping foot into the pool...and only then could I…
  • It may sound shallow, but given how much focus people put on appearance, it seems like a good investment. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then you will radiate that confidence and positive energy to those around you. However, it's a very personal decision, and the choice to go under the knife for any reason is…
  • Days and weeks like this are part of the process, or so everyone keeps reassuring me, too! If it were easy, and didn't take any real effort, there wouldn't be so many people going through the same battles. For you it was cookies, for me it was happy hour with friends after a difficult and emotionally draining week. Beating…
    in UGH! Comment by Ilyandra February 2013
  • I'm not especially happy about being single for V-day, but I also remember how many V-days that were a bust even when I was with someone. This year I'm taking myself out to the ballet, which is something I love but no guy has ever taken me to. I figure if I'm going to be flying solo, I'm doing something I love.