Meaghan_91 Member


  • Go out an buy a new outfit :) I know that probably sounds girly. But I'm about 100 days in as well, and I know that I could DEFINITELY use a new outfit because a lot of my clothes just don't fit right anymore.
  • I know what you mean! It's only day 3 for me, and I've been keeping up with it, but it does take some discipline. And you're right about making a lifestyle change rather than just "dieting." It's not going to be easy, but it'll be well worth it :)
    in NEW! Comment by Meaghan_91 January 2011
  • Heyyy, I'm pretty new here too. Not quite in my 20's yet...but I will be next month! I definitely have some weight to lose though, and wouldn't mind the support as well. So I'll definitely wish you the best of luck!!