

  • Thank you for your input. I'm going to up my caloric intake slowly. Something has to give and I think it's just this simple. I'm eating healthily, but undereating. Thanks again.
  • Hi, Well, I'm committed to taekwondo. I'm a jr. black belt working toward my black belt. I'm older, 46, and my stamina is not what it used to be. The classes exhaust me and the black test is tough. I was tired of being the weakest one in class. In just under two months, I've improved my stamina quite a bit and that has…
  • Hi, Thank you! My numbers are as follows: BMR is 1552.45, my TDEE is 2627, I do Insanity, which is 6 days per week. I also do taekwondo. I usually go 2-3 evenings per week. The classes are 60 minutes, but some of that is stretching and curriculum. I would say about 30 minutes of it are drills that would probably count as…
  • I'm going to try 1.900 and hope for the best. I'll be stuffed after eating 1,400 for the past month. Or maybe I just won't be so flippin' hungry. Thanks. It's worth a try. I just wanted to talk it out with people who were having success. I really don't want to pay for Weight Watchers again because I don't think it's…
  • It seems like this might be the answer to losing the weight, even though it seems counterintuitive. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  • Several friends, who are very fit, keep telling me to eat more. I am so afraid of gaining, when I want to lose, that I find it hard to trust that I should be eating more than it seemed like I was eating when I was putting on weight. That doesn't seem right to me. I wasn't working out as hard. But I am burning far more than…
  • Hi, I calculated my BMR and then used the Harris Benedict formula. I used moderately active. I then deducted 1,000 (probably far too agressive to lose. I read that I could subtract between 500-1,000 for a deficit, not to go under 1200). But this can't be right. As much as I work out, I should be able to eat more and still…
  • I think you might be right. I should probably rethink this and recalculate it. Thank you.
  • Hi, I calculated 1399 and actually put it in myself. I always eat within 50 calories of that, and I think it's wrong. First, I'm starving. Second, I do Insanity every morning, except Sunday because it's a rest day. I do taekwondo several times per week. AND, I have two boys ages 10 and 5 with whom I play outside quite a…