

  • I have been going to zumba for 12 months, i go at least 3 times a week, aim for 4 times but with work commitments that can be a challenge. The male zumba instructor who teaches our class does it full on high intensity (and sometimes throws in a HIIT - insanity track). I have lost over 4 stone by doing his zumba classes…
  • Hey x I hope you are well :o)) I have lost 31lb since the 17th January. I do 4 zumba classes a week, 3x classes with one fantastic instructor- burn off 590-690 calories/60 mins 1x class with a different instructor- burn between 400-500 calories/60 I have lost over 12 inches from around my body- just over 2 dress sizes down…
  • There are loads on Youtube. Add them to a play list and do them one after each other if thats what you are into. I personally dont think you can beat a live class :o)) On days when i am having zumba withdrawal i will do a couple of the videos from YT.
  • I do 5 live zumba classes a week with two different instructors. The female instructor's sessions i burn between 400-500 calories, i do that class once a week. The male instructor's class i burn between 590-690 calories per class. His classes are faster, harder and way more intense and i certainly feel it the next day. I…