

  • today was my first day to do the TRX with my trainer. it's very challenging and i couldn't do it for a prolonged time. i'm glad i read this thread because it makes me hopeful that i could be better at it. thanks guys!
  • me too! it's been two weeks and i have stayed within +1lb or stayed the same weight. prior to that, i was losing 1-2 lbs a week. i am doing more exercising, but also doing resting. i have also tried to minimize my carb intake. hopefully, this will help get me over this hump. jillian michaels suggests to shock the system by…
  • I am on week 4 of couch to 5k. more running now than walking. i like it but my problem is that i feel so hungry right after. But I must learn to be more wise in my food intake.
  • hey amy! when i read your post, i said to myself, i know exactly how she feels. Because i have PCOS too. and having weight problems has been the story of my life too. just wanted to write you to keep on going and doing the things to make yourself healthy and fit. you can do it! :-) blizzie
  • i am giving up my favorite food ever...Eggs. so i am not eating any eggs for 40 days. i hope i can do it!
    in lent Comment by blizzies March 2011