TRX suspension training

i don't have a heart monitor so don't know how many calories burned during a typical 50 min TRX class...i had to estimate. does anyone else do TRX and how many calories do you burn?


  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Too many factors involved... intensity, exercises performed, your fitness level. Wish I could give you an answer, but you may just have to guess or use a HRM. :wink:
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i did just estimate...class is 50 min so i figured i would burn about 200 with cardio aspect and about same with resistance aspect. i have been doing it for a while and do weight training 5 days a week with this class on saturdays. it really isn't that big of a deal since i don't eat back my calories anyway...i was just curious. thanks!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    Through the implementation of consecutive strength movements without rest, TRX classes are generally classified as a high intensity workout. According to the Harvard Medical School a 30 minute resistance training session burns a range between 180 and 266 calories, depending on body weight.

    Read more:

    got this from livestrong website so i guess that answered my own question!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Good job doing your research. Many folks here seem to forget that Google is a click away.

    I did a 5-day/ week, 1 hour/day TRX boot camp for many months, and had a love-hate relationship with it. It's a killer workout regardless of your fitness level. I even bought my own set of straps (just have nowhere to hang them in my new house) lol

    You may want to check out their TRX/ Kettlebell workout DVD.... it hurts sooooo goooood!!! lol
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i totally get the whole "love/hate relationship". don't think i could do it 5 days a week! i don't really love classes, i like to write my own workouts during the week and do my own thing but i do look forward to this class on saturdays and i love having my kids do it with me so they can see that their old mom is tough! i would totally love kettlebells...we don't have them at our YMCA (maybe i will suggest) and i am a horrible "at home" exerciser. i find all kinds of other things i should be doing and get distracted. we do have a wrestling mat and a heavy bag in the garage but no TV/DVD player out there (that would be the perfect place for a TRX bar).
  • today was my first day to do the TRX with my trainer. it's very challenging and i couldn't do it for a prolonged time. i'm glad i read this thread because it makes me hopeful that i could be better at it. thanks guys!