Melli_Moo Member


  • I'll be moving over in the general area of Destin Beach in a couple of months time. Thought I would give this group a look over ;P How is everyone?
  • Good morning, everyone! I’m 5’4 28 years old Highest 267.4 Current 267.4 Ultimate Goal 150 Requested to join
  • It's not so much that I'm scared to cosplay, I'm not a big fan of crowds so it makes going difficult.
  • I definitely want a group to do Power Puff Girls Yui from Angel Beats and finally, Nodoka Miyazaki in season 1 of Mahou Sensei Negima! Nothing special, just characters I can relate to along with a show I adored growing up xD I recently watched all of Chobits within one day and kept pausing just to stare at Chii's outfits.…
  • Still scared to go to any xD
  • It's just awful that we don't look very good in cosplay as a bigger person, even if that character IS overweight. LOL We can do this! I'm happy to add anyone here as a friend for accountability :)
  • I've been overweight since I was a child. I have a folder on my computer FULL of characters I'd like to go as. It's so heartbreaking that I can't be most of the characters, so I've put off going to my first con. WHEW I finally admitted it!