

  • My MFP tells me to eat 1200 cals/day. I tend to actually eat less than that. I changed my diet drastically, I now eat mainly fruits, veggies, chicken, whole grains. I cut out red meat, except for the occasional steak. Nothing greasy or majorly high in fat content .I have trouble drinking 8 cups of water a day because if I…
  • sent a request! good luck!!(:
  • Just starting this so I don't have a CW/SW.. but. 5'4" SW 200lbs pants size 14/16 depending on the style & cut of pants.
  • Hello! I'm 5'4.. & I've got a decent amount to lose. Struggling & have had A LOT of trial & error & not much support. But I'm ready to hop back on the train & make it to my destination. :P Feel free to add me! It'd be awesome to have people to talk to that can relate!