

  • Quick Update as of most recent workouts: squats 135lb 5x5 bench 95lb 5x5 pendlay row 70lb 5x5 overhead 65lb 5x3, 4x2 deadlift 120lb 1x5 Not quite a month in. I really do feel my strength increasing and more confidence, but I don't look a LOT different yet. How long does it take to really see physical changes?
  • Thanks for the great advice--10 lb increases will be easy to make happen.
  • I have one. I joined a gym (lifetime fitness) and there were a number of sessions included for joining, or at least it was one of the options. I have only seen him once, but I only joined a month ago. He's a Russian kettlebell instructor as well, so I'm hoping to gain some ground from learning to use kettlebells more…