BMB705 Member


  • SW: 246lbs (highest ever was around 270) CW:169lbs GW: 145 I'm 5'5 It's taken me almost 10 months to get this far, no restrictive diets just portion control and less junk. Mostly cardio, but now I'm focusing more on strength. Great job everyone :)
  • This is exactly what I just did. I am a scale addict. When I decided it was time to get serious this time, I asked my husband to hide the.scale, and only let me use it once a week. That worked fine the first week, when I dropped 8lbs of water weight. The last 2 weeks its stayed the same, which was so discouraging. And then…
  • How heavy would you suggest? I don't want to wreck myself, but if I would benefit from starting out with more weight, I'm all for it. And thanks, I'm glad its normal. I'm seriously considering ditching the sale all together, because it seems all it does is cause unneeded frustration.
  • Thanks for the tips! I'm going to try adding nuts, and eat more for breakfast. Looking at my food diary, my intake is pretty low in the morning. Thanks again :)