TeraP Member


  • I will be buying several knee-high boots (high heeled as well as low) and will smile every time I am able to ZIP them all the way UP!!
  • Hi there, I started out at 258lbs so not too far from your weight!! Today I weighed in at 231 and its been less than 2 months :) I did this by eliminating dairy and white flour/sugars. My kids won't eat brown rice, so I cook them regular rice. But I don't eat it myself.....what works for me, is to make a big pot of brown…
  • Thanks for sharing :) It gave me a visual as to just how different we look on the outside with that weight off of our bodies!! I'm down 26now (in past 2 months) but have another 50 to go - thanks for being such an inspiration!!
  • I've been doing The Biggest Loser for Wii - its pretty good! I also love the boxing training for Wii. Have been looking for Zumba, but I only found the Salsa - love the Maraccas :) My son has PS3 so maybe I'll try out some of the ones mentioned on here too. Why not, cheaper than a gym membership!!