

  • Threedeek--Of all the posts so far, yours in the most helpful. It's not about "controlling the food," it's about retraining our brains. Food addiction is real. Thank you for not just saying, "keep the junk food out of the house."
  • Wow, I was about to shut this down and happened upon your post. This is the same thing for me! I'm not bored or stressed but if I don't eat I feel like I'm going to "explode" or go crazy or something. I don't have the answers but you are definitely not alone.
  • Support groups are hugely important in my opinion. It gets you out of the house and with people on the same journey. Something like OA (Overeaters Anon) or CR (Celebrate Recovery) are options. When your head says, "I'm stupid" they are friends that can listen but not agree.
  • First off...try to relax and breath a little. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep trying different things and you can find something that will work for your lifestyle. I keep Zone or Designer Whey bars handy in a plastic baggie. Then I can eat half and keep the rest for a later snack. I'm sure there are other brands…