Help! Mentally addicted to food.



  • Thank you everyone for your lovely replies! I am definitely taking everything said in and am going to research more as well.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    For about a month I was on a hinge. Cray right. I more or less stayed at calories. Gained a few pounds. Didn't exercise. So I bought protein powder and used it in coffee and sugar free pudding. Now I'm back to eating normal and have lost 10 lbs. I know I can do better but don't stress over it. If I really want something I eat it. Take one or two bites and feed the rest to someone else. I am constantly asking for a bite of other peoples food.
  • I struggle with the same thing. I could have had a great food day, eaten right and exercised, but one I get the idea of some type of "treat" food in my head, it won't leave and then I just want to eat all of whatever food I'm thinking about. One thing that's helped me is to watch motivational exercise videos on YouTube or some health related documentaries on netflixs. Nike has done some great videos and so have other companies or individuals. These videos help me get the idea of food out of my head and help me remember why I'm doing what I'm doing and what my goals are.

    It's not easy and some days are more of a struggle than others but youve got great support here! :-)
  • maryrx59
    maryrx59 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there!

    I just posted a topic under motivation and support ...Worship. It's lengthy, but I think it will help you and anyone struggling with this problem. Pease read post and let me know what you think?!!

  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Marc David has some great blog articles about the psychology of eating, and this one in particular about cravings and what they mean. Take a meander through his articles, I bet you will find something that helps you out:
  • Naomi_13
    Naomi_13 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey, I'm going through the same thing too. I eat great all when I'm at work. I come home do my workout and eat supper. My fiancé works nights, so I soon as he leaves the grazing begins. Within an hour I could down a good 1000 calories of junk. I don't know why I do it. And I know I'm ashamed of it because I wait for him to leave before I start. By the end I feel so full and guilty. I'm trying to figure out why I do this. I'm don't feel stressed, sad or mad. Nothing negative or positive really to trigger this binge.

    I did put some pics on the fridge or motivational fitness pics to encourage me to stop binging. I have to look at them before I open the fridge and the last couple of night it has stopped me. Because it reminds me to stop and ask myself is this going to help me look like this or not. And the I think about how I felt the last time I binged and it turns me away from that food. I'm not sure if this would help you or not but so far it seems to be working :)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    not that any food is bad per se in moderation, but if you know it's a trigger for you - and most packaged foods are made to be triggers - don't make it hard for yourself.

    also, i doubt you're 'addicted', i bet you are probably not eating enough during the day

    the brain does not know the difference between food and a drug
  • Threedeek--Of all the posts so far, yours in the most helpful. It's not about "controlling the food," it's about retraining our brains. Food addiction is real. Thank you for not just saying, "keep the junk food out of the house."
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Threedeek--Of all the posts so far, yours in the most helpful. It's not about "controlling the food," it's about retraining our brains. Food addiction is real. Thank you for not just saying, "keep the junk food out of the house."

    I guess my view is, it's the food manufacturers who are pathological, not me.

    Craving foodstuffs that are made to be craved is an indication things are working properly. Being hungry after eating them, when there isn't enough of the right nutrients, in the right proportion to promote satiety, is no indictment of my digestive system. Of course I"m going to be hungry on the days I mostly eat prefab food that's just carb/sugar/fat/salt, and crave more of it.

    Not having it in the house is a hack, a quick way of not even having to deal with willpower. Me personally: I can eat like a wildebeest when certain foods are around me (homemade oil-popped popcorn with butter, for one). When those foods aren't there, and I've eaten enough filling food, it's not even a question.

    That said, yes, we need tricks to cope when we can't control our environments, absolutely.

    eg I'm adjusting to a new schedule and it's completely thrown me - am totally hungry at weird times, buying convenience food, having to plan differently, etc. I'm getting back on track, though. Luckily, I spent three years learning about foods that work, so I have that in my back pocket. Even so - yup, when vulnerable, my 'willpower' fails.

    I try to make it a non-issue when I can.