

  • I'm all about equality, so my rules on this are pretty simple: - If you treat me like a child because I'm a man, then I'm going to kick your *kitten* to the curb. - If I act like a child and expect you to take care of me because I somehow feel entitled, then I expect you to kick MY *kitten* to the curb.
  • I've been the "smart guy" all my life and I suppose it's been a good thing on balance. That said, if I had to live life all over again I'd probably pick "attractive". I know it's just supposed to be a fun question, but I think it's important to realize that this is a false dichotomy: - I think that MOST people can be…
  • For me, I don't do this because experience has shown that adding little "exceptions" to my weight loss plans inevitably leads to a slippery slope that ends in "no weight loss plan". So it's a self-discipline thing. If you can give yourself an inch without taking a mile, go for it. I can't.
  • I will allow myself a REAL Mrs. Fields Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie form the mall (nothing "diet" about that... it's the genuine sweet article). But I have some rules: - The calories must remain under my daily limit - I can't do this two days in a row Yes, I know that technically this means I could have one of these cookies…
  • It's hard to say without knowing your diet. If you're just counting your calories, have the wings but calculate beforehand EXACTLY how many you can have and how much dip you can have. This is the main problem with extremely calorie dense food: one or two extra pieces is the difference between staying within your calorie…
  • Some tips: - Are you actually bored? The biggest thing that helps me is to STAY BUSY. - Are you actually thirsty? Thirst often masquerades as hunger. WATER. - Are you eating calorie-dense food? This can fill your calorie quota without actually filling your stomach. Add major VEGGIES. - Are you eating enough fat? A low-fat…
  • I love this video! When I first watched it, I was thought "Hmmm... most of these videos have Coldplay's Fix You, I wonder why this one doesn't.... oh... never mind. Guess I'll be crying now." :)
  • I have a degree in Philosophy, so I find myself asking these kinds of epistemological questions a lot. I know this thread has kind of taken on a lighter tone, but I wanted to warn everyone how easily you can PARALYZE your progress by over analyzing things. A lot of people read and read and read before taking action and…