

  • Yep, count me in. I'm bipolar, OCD, and have generalized anxiety disorder. Funny to me, the OCD seems the hardest to deal with concerning the weight struggle. I weigh every day because I am compelled - which I'll start working on. I don't just graze when I'm emotional. I guess I'm lucky because even though I'm heavily…
  • You know, I have to say, I'm impressed and appreciative of (what I consider to be) such a speedy and overwhelming supportive response. I guess it really does make sense to engage in a support system for ultimate success. It's interesting to me -- as a bipolar person, I realized that coming to terms with my condition and in…
  • Yes, I am rather anal about measuring and reading up on everything I buy to eat. I started off on very low carb "atkins-like" numbers and actually made myself sick from not having enough carbs and sugar. (Doctor said I'm hypoglycemic of all things.) SO, I do stay away from the forms and numbers of carbs I was accustomed to…
  • I actually do "eat back" whatever calories I spend at the gym -- usually around 300-500 extra. I eat the baseline of 1600 because that's what this very site calculated. I've been to other site that actually said I should be eating more like a baseline of 1900. I have take some face pictures to track progress - I'll try to…