
  • It is common. There is a major nerve that runs through the place on your hand that supports your weight on the handlebars. It usually is worse on the outside fingers, and the longer you ride, works the way in from your pinkies to your pointer fingers. First time it happened to me I thought I had a stroke because it only…
  • "It is difficult to set absolute bottom calorie levels, because everyone has different body composition and activity levels. Health authorities do set some baselines - these are 1200 calories per day for women, and 1800 calories per day for men. This doesn't really make too much sense - are you are sedentary person with…
  • Being a little short on calories is a good problem to have. Being a lot short (as it seems you often are) is a bad problem because your body will go into starvation mode and burn muscle while retaining fat. Since you are so busy, find some healthy calorie filled snacks you enjoy and eat them on the go: -Cheese Sticks…
  • I guess it is more of a "Smoothie" than a "Shake" but: Organic Plain Yogurt - 1 Serving Organic Fat Free Milk - About 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Fruit of Your Choice - 1 Bag (Cherries are best. Strawberries, Blackberries, Peaches are all great too!) If you do it after a workout, you can put a scoop of Fruit Punch CellMass…
  • There is a group of friends/fans of a website that are all doing P90X together. One of the guys in our group is keeping a day by day blog of P90X. You can read and follow how it is going for him on the blog if you would like more info about what it puts you through. We are just average people / former athletes that are now…
  • Cheese and/or Root Beer