Going to low on net intake considered starvation??

B2BB Posts: 222 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition


  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    I'm concerned my net is usually about 1000 cals. Now what confuses me is, do it eat at least 1200 cals to not starve my body or does my net have to be 1200 cals??my bmr is 1350 I've researched and can't find any info but its probably cuz nutritionists or rda's arnt gonna give away there secrets lol. But any feed back will be help full...
  • luvamig
    luvamig Posts: 90 Member
    This is a good question. I don't have an answer for you, but I like that you're asking.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    (I misunderstood. Answer deleted.)
  • Wildflower3475
    Wildflower3475 Posts: 79 Member
    I believe you have to have a minimum of 1200 to be healthy and not starve your body. I know if I go under 1200 calories on here, MFP gives me a warning that it's not good.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    from what I read (outside of MFP), going under half of your daily calorie needs (BMR + exercise) is starving yourself.

    MFP gives a warning at 1k of *net calories i think.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you wont starve. starvation mode is a myth. and so is this whole 1200 cal limit thing. i dont know where people got that idea.

    if you are very concerned, try ramping up your exercise to burn more calories and just try to intake your BMR. whatever you burn dont eat back (thats a myth too).
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    mfp gives a warning if you consume less than 1200. that's not net. there have been days when i've burned up the kcals at the gym and eaten 1700 calories and still had a net of less than 250 because i worked my tail off, and mfp didn't give me a warning. and i have trouble eating more than that without going for pure junk. it happens 1-2 times per week. i'd love to know the answer to this also.
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    you wont starve. starvation mode is a myth. and so is this whole 1200 cal limit thing. i dont know where people got that idea.

    if you are very concerned, try ramping up your exercise to burn more calories and just try to intake your BMR. whatever you burn dont eat back (thats a myth too).

    I have a question. How many calories a day would you like to be able to eat and still lose weight? It is an honest question. If you could get your dream come true regarding calories and weight loss what would the amount be?
    CUNKNNK Posts: 10
    "It is difficult to set absolute bottom calorie levels, because everyone has different body composition and activity levels. Health authorities do set some baselines - these are 1200 calories per day for women, and 1800 calories per day for men. This doesn't really make too much sense - are you are sedentary person with little muscle mass? Or someone who is tall, muscular, and exercises a lot? Absolute levels don't work - but do give us a starting point." -freedieting.com

    1200 is just a standard average number that is a nice general rule of thumb. Depending on your lifestyle, age, build, etc your baseline could be different.

    The 1200 calorie warnings are on websites like this to keep people that may become obsessed or anorexic or something and from suing because there wasn't a warning when below the baseline. It's best to find a calculator on the web and find your own baseline and maintenance calorie numbers. There is one at: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Net goal is the one to pay attention to. When you exercise your calorie goal will go up - this is so that your body has enough fuel to function well on a daily basis, but it still includes a deficit so you will lose weight.
    MFP recommends not going below 1200 calories net.

    There is a lot of discussion here about the magic 1200 calorie figure and it seems that the rational answer is that it isn't a solid line where you will immediately start to starve, but a general guideline to encourage you to eat a healthy amount to keep your body fueled.

    Eating too little over a long period of time just doesn't allow your body to get all the nutrition it needs to function well. Yes, we want to lose weight, but not at the expense of losing health.

    Have a look a the discussions on this page, and then you can decide for yourself what will work for you:
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    THANX EVERYONE!! Well I'm just concerned because I finally reached my goal weight and just want to maintain, I wanna fuel my body enough to not hit the point here my body holds onto fat, and breaks down muscle for energy. I workout for a living, I teach group fitness classes at 24 HF and ATF in my area, 8 classes to be exact not including my running regimen and weight training I do to increase my muscle. I guess the answer to my questin is I could eat my bmr+cals burned and still maintain without sacrificing muscle loss. All of your input heldd me here or on FB http://www.facebook.com/Burns2bBeautiful?m2w
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    THANX EVERYONE!! Well I'm just concerned because I finally reached my goal weight and just want to maintain, I wanna fuel my body enough to not hit the point here my body holds onto fat, and breaks down muscle for energy. I workout for a living, I teach group fitness classes at 24 HF and ATF in my area, 8 classes to be exact not including my running regimen and weight training I do to increase my muscle. I guess the answer to my questin is I could eat my bmr+cals burned and still maintain without sacrificing muscle loss. All of your input heldd me here or on FB http://www.facebook.com/Burns2bBeautiful?m2w

    Just remember to adjust your goals on here to maintain weight.
  • just a reply to a post, starvation mode is NOT a myth. your blood sugar gets messed up if you dont eat enough. your body will break down muscle when there is no glucose in your body and put it into your blood as acid. you can die from this. it is toxic. as well, your liver screws you over, your brain cells will begin to die, and so many other complications will occur. i dont think this happens at only 1000 calories per day. it's more like less than half of your BMR. when you start to starve, you will know it.
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    I agree, but glad u cleared it up lol. I didn't want to even go there when we all know going to low causes body to break down muscle but also starve, literally!
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    One more thing I have never gone below 1200 cal intake but have home below 1200 net. So do u just get an alert only if your intake is below 1200? That would help clear up some confusion:-?
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Hey I know u lol. Yeah I'm concerned tbat the net going below 1200 will mean my body will store fat. But I think I understand. As long as I eat my BMR I have enough cals to maintain bodily functions. Any exercise would just be considered a deficit that can be used towards weight loss. But in my case its extra cals I can eat to maintain. I'm gonna try this zig zagging pattern of eating I read about. It's supposed to help avoid plateus and or break them. I'll have to find out the hard way :-/
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    The website recommends that you try to eat your exercise calories. Obviously it's not possible in all cases, but for your body to function in a healthy manner, it needs more calories on days you exercise than days you don't. At least that's what I understand from reading LOTS of posts on the message boards.
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