

  • Well! It's been a while, but I thought I'd better 'check in'. I've been getting back at it after a LONG hiatus! I suffered a bout of rotovirus in February, which really knocked me on my *kitten*! Needless to say, the last thing I felt like doing was it's GREAT to be back!! Not to mention, Jamie and I are…
  • Another 25 minutes on the treadie this morning..and another 257 calories BURNED, baby!!! Then, a brisk 20 minute walk at the dog park with Jasper. BTW, I made the YUMMIEST and healthiest dinner for Jamie and I tonight. Lettuce wraps!! SOOOO good..and they would have been easier to make, if the kids didn't keep…
  • Okay..SHAME ON ME!!! I have not even attempted to do any sort of exercise lately..until yesterday!!! Jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes at the maximum incline of 10, and a speed of 3.2. I burned 300 calories..and it felt great :) Then, I took the kids to the zoo and we spent 2 hours walking around the zoo..through the…
  • Randy - Jamie told me to just send all the money our way, since we are going to win! Do you need our address?!
  • YAY! Jaxzen and Jesse napped at the same time today!! Momma was able to jump on the treadmill for a solid 30 minutes!! Burned almost 300 calories at maximum incline..all while watching "General Hospital" (love that show :)) Jaxzen had an unparented swimming/gym class on Monday for 1hr and 45 minutes. I swear, if he could,…
  • I started my day with 20 minutes of treadmill workout. That's all the kids would let me do. Tomorrow, I need to get up earlier so I can get the full 40 minutes in! Rox - put the edamame in the bag them come in, in the microwave for 3 minutes. Open the bag and sprinkle them with salt. Then, you just eat the beans out of the…
  • Hello Family :) What a great way to start a new year. I managed to lose 12 lbs before Christmas..mostly because I was barely eating and filling up on Starbucks!! (Don't worry, they were non fat lattes- Haha). But since the New Year has come, I'm finding it harder to get motivated. So joining this is just the jolt I need. I…
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