The H family fitness challenge



  • Zumba was so much fun. 30 minutes went by so fast. I'm glad that i decided to add it to my Curves routine. The instructor is from Saskatoon and will come out Humboldt Curves every Saturday for 10 weeks. Wow it's really put some power to my workout.
  • Hello Family :) What a great way to start a new year. I managed to lose 12 lbs before Christmas..mostly because I was barely eating and filling up on Starbucks!! (Don't worry, they were non fat lattes- Haha). But since the New Year has come, I'm finding it harder to get motivated. So joining this is just the jolt I need. I managed to read the posts that were on here already, and I love the smoothie recipe. We have smoothies about 4 or 5 x a week. The kids LOVE them. I add flax seed and protein powder to mine as well..they are a hit! Oh, and I just pulled out the juicer the other day and the kids and I made orange/carrot/apple juice. It was yummy! I'm excited to try new and different ingredients.

    We also found out that Jaxzen has a sensitivity to wheat and rye, so I've been incorporating wheat free flour into most of our recipes too. So..the food thing shouldn't be too hard to stick to. It's just the exercise part that I need to focus on. However, we do have a treadmill and a multi gym in the house, so really, do I HAVE an excuse?!

    I think once all of us are skinny minnies, a family tropical vacation might be in store??
  • HELLO! i'm so excited that most of you are here now, just missing the doctors and I haven't hear from Brenda.

    Randall is going to start a spreadsheet to tally up everyone's scores on a weekly basis. Just to recap the activity must be minimal 20 minutes = 1 point anything over 20 minutes is still 1 point however if there are multiple activities throughout the day then each activity gets a point.

    I was telling Roxy that I think the younger crowd (H, J, L) are all going to give us run for our money as they have physical activities plus their regular gym classes.

    Lynn - It's great to hear that Zumba was so much fun and that the time went by fast.

    Roxy - I hope you feel better! Oregano oil is what my mom swears by I forgot to mention it to you.

    Jojo - you look fabulous in your family pictures - 12 pounds is a lot - it's a good think we don't have starbucks otherwise I would be tempted to give your diet a try!

    Do you have to cut out all wheat/rye for Jaxzen? What were his symptoms? alaina still have major bags under her eyes even when she is taking her iron. I can't help but think that she is either lacking in something else or should maybe be avoiding something else.

    I didn't think to add the flaxseed to the smoothies but will give it a try, Randall always adds the protein powder I sometimes do and sometimes forget.

    We made juice today too, apple, strawberry, banana the kids had so much fun doing it that Lukas said it was the best day of his life wow - who would have thought that juicing would be that entertaining. They both drank up their fresh juices so quickly it was great - a big mess to clean up - but well worth it.

    Did another 30 minutes in the treadmill today, tommorow i'm going to pull out my jillian micheals wii and give it a go. It's a pretty decent workout.

    Take care and good luck to all in this challenge! Looking forward to that tropical vacation maybe Christmas in Hawaii?!
  • Now things are starting to heat up. How come i am the only dude so far? Must be chicken. Can't tally the points if they don't log on and report their exercise. Played a game of floor hockey for about an hour this afternoon with the boys at Orcadia. I was huffing and puffing - one of my colleagues offered me his puffer - and i loved every second of it. Most of the boys were running circles around me but i don't care, i just mowed a few over or pinned them to the wall. This interval training was a great addition to the treadmill routines that i did the week previous.

    Hold on folks - the competition and the fun starts tomorrow. WHO IS GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST WINNER?
  • I just love Edemame, it's a great snack . Also it is included in my diet plan. I must thank Jolynne for that as Jaxzen loves them.
    My exercise regime for the week consisted of 3 days of 30+minutes of walking and 4 days of Curves exercise which is 35 minutes. Next Saturday will be my first Curves/Zumba exercise that will truly count on my Curves Smart program. I'm going to try my best to give my children a run for the money.
  • So tonite as I was working out with our Wii Fit, my kids wouldn't let me go any longer than 23 minutes as they each wanted to get their time in....I think this is going to be fabulous for our family as a whole! Will have to do some light workouts...maybe dust off my pilates videos this week till my cough is gone. Yes Aleks I've heard of the oil of oregano but haven't tried it for a cough. I add a few drops to Hailey's shampoo as it helps with a dry scalp. I think it should count putting all the xmas decorations and tree away today - doing miles up and down the stairs with all the boxes! Xmas is officially over at our house...kinda sad, but on with the New Year! Mom and Joey how do you eat the Edemame beans? I bought a frozen bag of them but not really sure what to do with 'em. would love suggestions... Is a juicer worth the money? would like to hear some debate on that... Keep up the great work everyone!
  • started off day one of the fitness challenge with an hour of floorhockey preceded by 30 minutes of low impact volleyball.
  • Hailey did 20 minutes of excercise this morning before school, and I got in a Pilates Video. Feeling good for day number one!
  • I started my day with 20 minutes of treadmill workout. That's all the kids would let me do. Tomorrow, I need to get up earlier so I can get the full 40 minutes in!

    Rox - put the edamame in the bag them come in, in the microwave for 3 minutes. Open the bag and sprinkle them with salt. Then, you just eat the beans out of the pod. They are SO high in kids inhale them..especially Jaxzen..he could probably eat the whole bag by himself!!!

    Aleks- we found out Jaxzen was allergic to wheat and rye by shelling out a bunch of money to take him to the naturopath..I'm glad we did, though! If you are concerned, ask your doctor for a referral to an allergist, or find a naturopath to take her to. It was worth the money!

    FYI - Jamie wants to join, however, he was stranded in Edmonton over the weekend, and is home tonight. So I'll get him to get started on this!
  • Did my Curves workout today, burned 522 calories. Probably won't get to Curves tomorrow so will have to workout @ home.
  • Yesterday randall came home and asked me if I got the Jillian Micheal's workout in. I informed him that the kids didn't go to bed till almost 9 and at 9:00 p.m. Brothers and Sisters was on (gotta prioritize, right? I need you to back me up on this one ladies) So while watching the show I did some yoga moves jillian micheals moves that I could remember but by the time randall got home I was into Desperate housewives and to keep it short told him I stretched he looked at me puzzled and said you stretched for an hour? I think he was trying to figure out how and if he would allow that to count as activity pts needless to say I explained my work out and he accepted it.

    This morning I slept in so only got 20 minutes on the treadmill but it felt good to do something. Tommorow morning 5:45 a.m. 30 mins on the treadmill is the plan. I am walking for 4 and running for 1 it's suppose to increase slowly until I am running the whole 30 minutes.

    Roxy- great to hear that the kids are excited to workout and participate in the competition. Hope that coughs goes away fast but it is dedication for you to dust off that dvd and do pilates - great job!

    Jolynne - randall's work covers up to 5 naturalpath visits so we may have to give a try again. We took her once but he prescribed a liver and kidney cleanse and kind of scared me since she was only 18 months old. Some other things he mentioned were great! Randall and I are pretty sure its an allergy and yes your right allergist would be able to help out. Our dr. doesn't like to do referrals until the kids are 5 but we could ask again.

    Lynne - 522 calories - wow - that is fantastic! Do you burn that all off in the 35 minutes b/c if that is the case it is starting to sound tempting to join curves. I think ours closed though but I would have to look into it.

    I am going to buy some edamame next time I'm at the store. I seen them in the organic frozen food section and read that they were awesome but never knew just like you roxy what to do with them.

    Jamie can absolutely join!!! It will make randall happy that there is another dude in the competition. I think Derek is in as well.

    I love juicing the only thing frustrating is that our juices the Hamilton Beach makes a mess and I hate the clean up. It is also failrly slow you can only put in small amounts I'm sure there are better ones out there and I haven't checked into upgrading. We used the pulp from the juicer to make whole wheat flax strawberry bread - it turned out really good.

    Have a great day tommorow!
  • AH HA, challenge will certainly be the word in this epic adventure. You have now been joined by the one and only FitFix Inc. and thus a whole new can of worms has been poured upon you. You might as well redirect those $20's the the Miller's address so that you can all save postage later sending it here anyways. AhhhhAHAHHAaaa!!! I've been hitting the weights pretty hard over the last 2+ months now and have put on 16 lbs and have lost about 4" off my waist. My goals are a bit differnt as I'm looking to gain about another 8lbs yet hitting my 180 mark and hopefully more from there. Ultimatly I'm looking to get to 200 of lean muscle mass. I have abit of a journey left but by summer I should be able to achieve that if I continue with my focus. This is good timing as I have a ski trip coming up for the beggining of Feb in which hot tubbing will certainly be a consistant part of our trip. Gott find my abs now so cardio will be introduced to my program. All the best to ya'll and Alex is right no matter who takes the moola home if your serious and work hard, everyone will be a winner and a looser of the unwanted. I even hope Super Joe decides to join curves. HAHA
  • Miller Munch, have you see Super Joe's curves lately?
  • excellent fitness goals jamie. packing on those pounds of muscle will be a challenge for sure jamie - protein, protein, protein! a good buddy of mine won the Provincial Masters Bodybuilding Championships last year - he weighed abouy 180 at the competition and was absolutely ripped. He showcased his abs to a few staff and they just "popped out" if you know what i mean. he swears the key to his abs was high impact aerobics first thing in the morning before breakfast - 45 to 60 minutes of running on the treadmill. this may help you get the abs you are searching for in preparation of "hot tubbing."
  • Welcome Jamie! I'm hoping that this challenge keeps me motivated - if I don't stick to it I'm afraid I'd get to the 200 lbs mark before you do and it wouldn't be lean muscle mass. So my motivator is to never get there. Super Joe was giving me tips at christmas on weight loss I think it went something like this "avoid all foods that do not include barley".

    I'm reallly looking forward to seeing everyone this summer and we should all be in the best shapes of our lives for the Harriet reunion, is that next year.

    Did my 30 minutes for 167 cals burned on the treadmill. May squeeze in 20 minutes of pilates we'll see how motivated I am by tonight.

    Lukas had gym class yesterday and tae kwon do today so he is off to a good start too.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • Just finished 20 minutes of yoga with aleks. flexibility has always been a weak point (that is why i have pulled my hammy several times during ball games) and tonight was no exception. my hamstrings are already sore. thanks aleks for asking me to join you in yoga.
  • Just finished 25 minutes of cardio - pulled out Hailey's skipping rope, used the stairs and did lunges...who knew skipping around the house one could work up such a sweat!! Certainly helped having a darling puppy looking at me with those encouraging eyes...So the rest of those cookies are going in the freezer!!
  • YAY! Jaxzen and Jesse napped at the same time today!! Momma was able to jump on the treadmill for a solid 30 minutes!! Burned almost 300 calories at maximum incline..all while watching "General Hospital" (love that show :))

    Jaxzen had an unparented swimming/gym class on Monday for 1hr and 45 minutes. I swear, if he could, he would swim every day!!

    The butt is looking good, I must to tackle the 'muffin top'. Mexico in May...Momma's gotta be in a bikini :)
  • I really hate to burst everybodies bubbles but the matriarch is going to blow you all away!!!!!! Yesterday I did 20 minutes of yoga, today i did my Curves workout and really had the green lights flashing. 35 minutes and 693 calories later. I also lost 1 pound and 2% body fat in one week. I will stay on Phase II as long as I continue to lose fat and inches.
  • i like your moxie ma. 693 calories? that is outstanding. you are definetly setting the standard for this competition.
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