LauraKB Member


  • Do you realy care that much? Most people are full of ShXX anyway... keep training and doing what is good for you. That's all that matters!
  • Oh I'm so jealous! I LOVED breastfeeding my babies (& then toddlers). What I would give to have those quiet moments again... Ok... so I'm off topic! tee hee!!! :wink:
  • I've been counting for a few weeks now and have come to a more comfortable place with my weekends. I don't count regligiously. I have similar meals as during the week unless I'm out with my family. At a restaurant, I'll make healthy choices, will splurge on a glass of wine and will pack food to take home... and always skip…
  • I've done it... I do it... and it's something I deal with too! It's usually after the kids go to bed that I grab cookies and ice cream and whatever else I have on hand and just shovel it in! I always feel sick after but keep on doing it. Since I've been here, I haven't - not once! It must be a concious effort on my part to…
  • You are beautiful!!! and obviously much happier!!! Great job!
  • I know how you feel... Just last night - after my husband's birthday dinner, I was in the red and actually was tossing in bed thinking I shouldn't have had the piece of chocolate cake! GGGRRR!!!!! and there are still more parties this weekend to be had! No more cake for me!
  • Welcome & Good Luck! I was quite fit until I started having kids and then... well... life got in the way! Now I'm having to make a huge effort to change my habits for the sake of my health! I even taught aerobics in my early 20's... so I know what I need to do! It's just taken me several years to actually get of my keister…
  • I quickly read through the posts and don't know if any recommended you see your doctor. You need to have your sugars checked along with your thyroid and endocrine system. You may need some medical support while you work on healthy eating and exercise. Make sure your body is working in as opitimal shape as it can and then…
  • Hey, in Florida, the DL does not have it either! I just pulled mine out because I know it would be TOTALLY wrong. I got it before I got married and had 3 kids! Whoa!!! but at least it's not there saying nanny nanny boo boo!!! ;) Congrats!~
  • You got it! I'm trying to lose.... a ton! ;) We'll cheer each other on...
  • Welcome and good luck! ;)
    in Hello!! Comment by LauraKB January 2011
  • I'm very motivated to stay motivated with my phone since I can log just about anywhere I go! Good luck to you!
  • You're completely right! What I hate the most is the nasty look you get from a waiter when you begin to inquire about food prep. Although I've just recently started counting calories, I've had food issues due to my daughter's food allergies and some places are just intollerable. Food portions are huge... sometimes all you…
  • welcome!
    in I'm New Comment by LauraKB January 2011
  • Dont' forget that cheese and deli meats are very high in sodium. My 90 calorie cottage cheese packs a whoping 380 mg of sodium and my deli chicken, turkey & cheese are just terrible too! I was taking in too much sodium also and have had to alternate cheese and deli meat days... All my other foods are natural & homemade and…
  • I have a fage greek yogurt with honey and that alone puts me over the limit for sugar. I use truvia in my coffee and no other refined sugars... It's always over! I'm trying to eat as natural (fruits and veggies - raw whenever possible) and lean... nothing boxed or processed other than some deli meat in my lunch. I think…
    in Sugar Comment by LauraKB January 2011
  • I'm new here too and like the message boards a lot! Too bad you can't really see them on the app... only the activitiy posted! I'm also setting small goals. I'm on week 2 and have lost about 5 lbs... I started after a dropped a few already! Good Luck!
    in HELLO! Comment by LauraKB January 2011
  • I buy deli meat and always use boars head. There are more natural meats than others. I like that they're lean and super tasty. I eat a sandwich at lunch nearly every day too and it can get boring, so I change up the meat I use each week.
  • You can totally do it! Start again and don't look back!!!
  • Oh so sorry... I too am a big girl with PCOS... I've been on the receiving end of comments like those from strangers and even my own kids... Kids say the darndest things! Each day is an opportunity to make it better than the day before. If you're having a good day - better than yesterady - keep it up! Only you know...and…
  • I have greek yogurt DAILY! I've tried them all... My two favorite's are Chobani and Fage (pronounced fa-ya). Fage has one with honey on the side that's just spectacular. I drop in a handful of raspberries and it's practically a meal. It has 180 calories.... Sometimes I add bluberries or strawberries... and if I'm feeling…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm still figuring thisplace out and how to add friends,but it's great to see so many success stories. I have always been a "big girl" but never like this! My 3 year old was diagnosed with epilepsy in the fall and during his tests and procedures, I ate right through it. By the time it was all said and…