Do i need to record breastfeeding/ nursing?

shel1505 Posts: 8
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi There,

This is my first week on this site and I was wondering if I need to record breastfeeding/nursing and if so, how?

I still breastfeed my 9 month old about 5 times a day..




  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    In hope someone has some insight on this I am in the same situation.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Okay im confused xD why would you record it? just curious cuz i havent had any children :]
  • Hi There,

    You burn calories from breastfeeding... Around 400 calories :)
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I don't know how MFP does it, but on other plans you just add how many extra calories you need in a day.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    really? haha i never knew! well that is quite an interesting fact! i learned something new today xD i would record it then!

    Okay next question... how do you burn calories? xD

    I may be a dietetics major but this is something they havent metioned at my university yet xD
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    You can include it in your food diary & it comes up as negative calories. hth
  • dbcja
    dbcja Posts: 54
    Hi, The reason it will need to be recorded is becasue it uses up calories. Everything you eat when feeding bubs is contributing to their milk.

    There must be a way to do it, but sorry, I dont know how. lol
  • LauraKB
    LauraKB Posts: 26 Member
    Oh I'm so jealous! I LOVED breastfeeding my babies (& then toddlers). What I would give to have those quiet moments again...

    Ok... so I'm off topic! tee hee!!! :wink:
  • I don't know where you would on here. Doesn't count as exercise. ;)

    What I see most moms doing is figuring out their calorie range based on it. Depending on your baby's age, it is probably anywhere between 300-800 extra calories you should be eating a day. Figure out how many calories you would eat daily to lose the pounds per week you want (using the goals setting) then add on the extra you need for nursing.

    Word of caution, if your baby is very young, don't skimp too much. I have a friend who obsesses about her weight (although she's already skinny) and she restricted her caloric intake too much to the point that her milk wasn't rich enough for her baby. Her doctor told her to quit nursing the baby because she was nearly starving her and the baby was way underweight.

    (ETA: It's going to change as your baby ages of course, so monitor your weight and adjust when needed. I lost 20 lbs very quickly nursing my daughter, but as she weaned I didn't adjust how much I was eating, so I gained it back and then some. I so, here I am! :) )
  • :) I have no idea how it burns calories, but it does :)

    I will check out the food diary and check again if I can find a way to record it..
  • My son already 9 months old and eats 3 meals a day and snacks so his getting plenty from solid food... He also has a bottle of formula a day, so im hoping my low calories wont affect him too much as he is gettin plenty from other food sources...

    But you are correct! If my baby wasnt on solids, I wouldnt do it :)
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member

    Word of caution, if your baby is very young, don't skimp too much. I have a friend who obsesses about her weight (although she's already skinny) and she restricted her caloric intake too much to the point that her milk wasn't rich enough for her baby. Her doctor told her to quit nursing the baby because she was nearly starving her and the baby was way underweight.

    Oh goodness! D: so scary
  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    You can include it in your food diary & it comes up as negative calories. hth
    Cool! I just checked that out and it worked--I'm so glad MFP includes that option for nursing moms. That's awesome. I'm not nursing anymore but it sure was easier to lose weight when I was! (I know that's not true for everyone).

  • Word of caution, if your baby is very young, don't skimp too much. I have a friend who obsesses about her weight (although she's already skinny) and she restricted her caloric intake too much to the point that her milk wasn't rich enough for her baby. Her doctor told her to quit nursing the baby because she was nearly starving her and the baby was way underweight.

    Oh goodness! D: so scary

    Yeah, we were all very worried for the baby! They need that extra fat for brain development. Her little girl is 2 1/2 now and at a much healthier weight now that she's on solids. I think my friend has what they call "orthorexia". She is very meticulous about her food and exercise and very obsessed with it, despite the fact she's never had a weight problem.
    You can include it in your food diary & it comes up as negative calories. hth

    Oh, that's good to know! I looked under exercise for it and found nothing.... We're planning for another baby here soon, so that will be handy. I love MFP!
  • YAY!!! I found it too :smile:

    Its great its on here..

    For those looking for it... Type nursing then search....

    Thanks for help and input
  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    You can include it in your food diary & it comes up as negative calories. hth
    Cool! I just checked that out and it worked--I'm so glad MFP includes that option for nursing moms. That's awesome. I'm not nursing anymore but it sure was easier to lose weight when I was! (I know that's not true for everyone).

    Where do you imput it?
  • It is scary when a baby relies on breastmilk as a food source and mums dont eat much... I made sure I ate plenty while breastfeeding hence the reason I need to work a bit of it off now...

    Im thinking/ hoping now that he is getting 3 meals and day and snacks my low calories will be ok??

    I definately wouldnt be doing it if he was only just starting solids or purely breastfed
  • Either input at end of day when you know how many feeds you made or, if like me you know you are going to feed 5 times a day put it in during breakfast at 120 mls 5 times....
  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    I was the same way. My son is almost 14 months old and he just started eatting solid food last month before that he would not have anything to do with it. I had to keep my calories up cause I was he only source of food. Now he still nurses about 6 times a day. I feel so much better adding this in. My calorie reduction has not seemed to faze in the last week.
  • Im thinking/ hoping now that he is getting 3 meals and day and snacks my low calories will be ok??

    This is good timing for you then. Nursing is probably more for his comfort/bonding at this point. Best wishes!
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