My friend's Daughter to her father, having picked up his can of beer and sniffed it: Child: "Daddy, girls shouldn't drink dirty beer." Dad: "Why is that?" Child: "Because little girls don't have big dirty beards!" I laughed for weeks!
Hi, I've been vegan since new year after having a 'break' from it. Before that I'd been vegetarian then vegan for 10 years. I've gone back to it mainly for the health reasons but there's a big ethical consideration working it's way into my decision now. I just can't believe how much horrible stuff is added to food! I tend…
your beard/goatee facial hair you have going on is awesome!
If milk was bad women wouldn't produce it for their babies? Let me just feed some breast milk to my dog.... oh wait - that's not right? Why do you think cow's produce milk, may I ask?
OK cool - thanks for the replies! I'm really healthy in terms of what I eat, just looking for something to push it along - more running it is!