

  • Hatha Yoga is a general term for the physical part of Yoga. There are lots of differents types of Hatha, Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga, Sivinanda, etc. Some are more strenuous than others and a lot of it depends on the instructor and your level. If you're sweating and sore, you're probably burning more than what MFP says,…
  • My weight fluctuates a little here and there. Usually when I have too much sugar (even if I'm within my calorie count). I think I'm just sensitive to refined sugar. I love my days that I have a heavy workout day, because I love to eat. But it's amazing how much easier maintenance is compared to losing. One more reason not…
  • Keep up the good work! You're doing great : ) Exercise is an excellent way to keep your metabolism higher (besides keeping all your organs healthy). You want to replenish what you've lost during a workout so you don't lose muscle, just fat. Yes, menstruation affects my weight. I try not to weigh in too often. Keep drinking…
  • I think you're better off choosing coffee over Diet Pepsi. New research is revealing some strange reactions our bodies have to sweet tastes without calories (i.e. sweeteners). Apparently, it may slow down our metabolism. Definitely lose the creamer. Hydrogenated oils are one of the worst things we consume. Here's what…
  • Welcome, This is a great site and I'm sure you'll have lots of success here. Jenelle:smile:
    in Hi ! Comment by stilistjen March 2008
  • I've been a hair stylist for 22 years and have seen this a lot. It's very normal to lose hair when you lose a lot of weight. The easiest way to determine if it's excessive hair loss: do you have hair on your pillow? Is it falling out on the first day you shampoo, after it's dry? Also keep in mind, a little hair loss is…
  • My favorite is just plain non-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of strawberry jam and fresh strawberries (if you can get them). Delicious! And nowhere close to the amount of sugar : )