yensidtoon Member


  • Thanks for that info. Definitely won't have the surgery now!
  • I can't use a CPAP anymore for health reasons (it caused TMJ so severe I had a 6 month migraine). I had severe sleep apnea and was waking up every 3 minutes, essentially getting no sleep without help. Now that I have lost weight (I lost 20 pounds before I joined MFP) I only wake up about 20 times a night. That is not…
  • I am on metformin because I have very low blood sugar. I take it to keep my blood sugar steady and at a safe level. It has not helped me lose weight and I have been on it for almost 3 years. I have noticed though that when I cut down the amount I take, I am more tired during the day because my blood sugar is too low. So I…
  • I have had 2 knee surgeries in just over a year on my right knee. Doctor told me never to run or jump because I can't and shouldn't because it would further damage an already fragile knee. Well, two weeks ago we did a lifestyle change with diet and exercise changes and low and behold but I have been jumping, and I also…
  • Bump because I am so proud of myself. I even went and took a shower and didn't step on the scale.
  • I friended you. I use runtastic as well. I have just begun running in the past two weeks and love it. I do have exercise induced asthma and am fighting that right now but doing well. Every day I can run a bit farther. I am also 50 pounds overweight, so can't run as far as I would like to run. Now, if only the snow would…
  • I never was any good at math :). Okay I also eat back my exercise calories.
  • 900 is almost double your daily intake? You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what it takes to sustain life in a woman. Eating 500 calories a day you will lose weight, but you will gain it all back when you eat normally.
  • I have a Fitbit one. I also post my exercise on MFP. Now, with Fitbit, you can use them both at the same time. For example: If I run for 8 minutes, MFP will give me 99 calorie points. Fitbit will then give me about 40 more because of the steps I have taken. Fitbit will do calorie adjustments on your MFP page if MFP doesn't…
  • I don't schedule my meals and snacks. I eat breakfast in my car, usually some sort of nut 1 oz, and some graham crackers. I usually get up between 5 and 6 am. I usually have a 2 oz tuna fish sandwich, one hard boiled egg, and more nuts, again, 1 oz. I eat this anywhere between 10 and 1, depending on when I get hungry.…
  • I work out several times a day. It is all cardio, jogging in place, kinect adventures and zumba but that's my schedule. I see absolutely nothing wrong with yours. Stick to it, eat in your calorie zone, and watch what happens!