

  • hey im 18 too. Im not overweight now but two years ago i lost 20 pounds and now im going for the last ten!!! so good luck!!! its definitely worth it in the end!!!!! Youll do awesome if you stick to it!!
  • ive stopped drinking diet coke while on this website and ive felt alot better,, if nothing else alot less bloated!! plus aspartame causes neurological damage.. so i now only have one as a treat like once a week.
  • its not realistic to think that you can just do some crunches and eat/drink whatever you want and notice a difference.. it just cant happen sorry!!
    in belly Comment by jennafree February 2008
  • no spaghetti squash is this best food ever.. put some spaghetti sauce on it and it tastes just like spaghetti but a heck of a lot less calories