Diet Coke (Asparatame) Controversy



  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    You know i have never really thought about it but my complexion has been WAY better since i gave up the stuff, I also started taking some herbs at the same time so i always contributed it to that but i don't take them anymore and i still have better skin and better hair as well as not near as many headaches. :huh: so that might be why
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    What about using Splenda in my hot splenda the same as asparatame?

    I thought I was doing better by drinking decaffinated tea with Splenda and not Equal/SweetnLow... am I wrong?

  • ive stopped drinking diet coke while on this website and ive felt alot better,, if nothing else alot less bloated!!
    plus aspartame causes neurological damage.. so i now only have one as a treat like once a week.
  • I also use stevia, a couple drops in a cup of plain yogurt and then add frozen berries ( i like raspberries and blueberries). I LOVE ice cream so this is a decent substitute. And I can have it every day. I used to drink alot of Diet Coke, then have gradually cut down. Now that I am really serious about losing weight I only drink water. My skin looks all the more fabu for it!
  • steev
    steev Posts: 11
    What about using Splenda in my hot splenda the same as asparatame?

    I thought I was doing better by drinking decaffinated tea with Splenda and not Equal/SweetnLow... am I wrong?


    thats a whole different can of worms. if you google splenda you will find plenty of viewpoints from people who have had violent reactions, to those who say iit was rushed to market without sufficient testing, to the fact that spleda is realy closer to chlorine than sugar. I don't touch the stuff and won't let my kids either.
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    Pretty scary. I am definitely going to make an effort to get rid of that stuff in my diet

  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    The good ol gall bladder I had mine removed last year...Woke up one day with major pains ignored it for a week then was told I had "gas"....took myself to the ER (after I diagnosed myslef0 and sure enough it had to come out. I had over 100 stones....they actually sent to Yale for their pathology dept (students0 to looked like a pomagranite...yes I have pictures!!!

    So my younger days of diet stunk...greasy foods and mom owned a restaurant so I ate all crap all the time. NOT since I became an adult though...


    Sorry for the vent!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Try this link for the Mayo clinic which explains safe levels for consuming artificial sweeteners.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    What about using Splenda in my hot splenda the same as asparatame?

    I thought I was doing better by drinking decaffinated tea with Splenda and not Equal/SweetnLow... am I wrong?


    thats a whole different can of worms. if you google splenda you will find plenty of viewpoints from people who have had violent reactions, to those who say iit was rushed to market without sufficient testing, to the fact that spleda is realy closer to chlorine than sugar. I don't touch the stuff and won't let my kids either.

    I use Splenda regularly and have had no ill effects and know of no one who has, unlike aspartame. I've read some of the controversy over it and find myself in the "moderation" camp for the most part with Splenda. It is basically sugar, triple rinsed with a cloride (read: part of chlorine) substance to make the "sugar" part unable to be digested. I'm sure some people DO have reactions to it, just like some people can't swim in pools with chlorine, and some people can't eat peanuts. Doesn't mean chlorine in a public pool is bad or peanuts are bad, but they ARE bad for some people! My $.02 anyway!!
  • steev
    steev Posts: 11
    What about using Splenda in my hot splenda the same as asparatame?

    I thought I was doing better by drinking decaffinated tea with Splenda and not Equal/SweetnLow... am I wrong?


    thats a whole different can of worms. if you google splenda you will find plenty of viewpoints from people who have had violent reactions, to those who say iit was rushed to market without sufficient testing, to the fact that spleda is realy closer to chlorine than sugar. I don't touch the stuff and won't let my kids either.

    I use Splenda regularly and have had no ill effects and know of no one who has, unlike aspartame. I've read some of the controversy over it and find myself in the "moderation" camp for the most part with Splenda. It is basically sugar, triple rinsed with a cloride (read: part of chlorine) substance to make the "sugar" part unable to be digested. I'm sure some people DO have reactions to it, just like some people can't swim in pools with chlorine, and some people can't eat peanuts. Doesn't mean chlorine in a public pool is bad or peanuts are bad, but they ARE bad for some people! My $.02 anyway!!

    Sucralose is not sugar "triple rinsed" with chloride. Sucralose is made by taking the sugar molecule and replacing three of the hydroxyl groups with chlorine atoms. This creates a completely new chemical compound that is not sugar. Why is it sweet then? because chlorine makes it that way. Also the FDA states that 11% to 27% of sucralose is absorbed in the body, which is a far cry from passing through the body harmlessly which the maker claims. Couple this with the fact there have been no long term human studies and I will pass.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here's my opinion on most of this (and I still indulge in diet coke on rare ocassions)

    I know for a fact what sugar does to my body. The other stuff is pretty much Franken-food of one type or another, and we don't know what it does to us over the long-term.

    Also, I find that if I have brown sugar, molasses or honey, I don't crave more sweets. If I have refined anything, the craving monster takes me over.:flowerforyou:
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