

  • So discouraged, haven't lost any weight in a while, I am staying at the suggested calories, still nothing. And to top it off my husband is dropping it off and he tells me I am eating too much ! At 1200 calories and under 50 carbs! !!!! Really? ? That's too much? I had gastric bypass 7 years ago, I swear I have no…
  • I had the surgery in 2007, I swear it changed my metabolism, I don't eat that much and cannot lose weight, I have gained 48 lbs back, and cannot seem to lose it, I track my food, exercise 20 minutes a day, the scale won't move, I am so upset, I didn't gain until after I had my boy......
  • I am sooooooooooooooo disappointed in myself.........I never got to my goal weight, BUT I was so ok with the weight I stayed at for 4 years, until I had my boy, but after the pregnancy and being GLUED to my home, I have put on 35 pounds, I am so very miserable, nothing I wear looks good...........I have always worked and…
  • Wow atleast your Dr. told you, I know 6 people in my area that have had the surgery and NONE of them knew this.......I just found out about 3 months ago, I have been riding a stationary bike here at home..........I will friend you when I get back in a few..........thanks for your time
  • I kept my weight off for about 4 years then I had my boy and that combined with staying at home ALL THE TIME, I have put on 35 lbs of it back
  • I have already had it.........did you know that after 2 years you lose the benefit of mal-absorbtion?