MartinBenson Member


  • Its OK to treat yourself but it depends on how much alcohol you are having at the weekends. Alcohol is seen as empty calories as there isn't much else in there. An idea might be to assess how much energy you are taking in from alcohol and then give yourself a max amount of calories you will take from alcohol. Even if it is…
  • I'm talking medical and scientific research. I'm not saying it doesn't work for others, but there needs to be more scientific research on IF but without balance in your diet with vitamins and minerals your body will struggle to work affectively from a biochemical level (can't see this on the outside)
  • However in the past food wasn't plentiful therefore larger people were more likely to survive, hence why it is so difficult for people to lose weight. Evolution hasn't realised most of us have plenty of food around.
  • I agree! Probably be the only way in such little time :smile:
  • Skipping meals on a daily basis is not a good idea. There is a place for IF for one or two days a week where you only have 500 or 600kcal on these days if using the 5:2 diet. There is clinical evidence to support this however research has also shown that people tend to be thinner if they eat breakfast. Your body does go…
  • Wow you look amazing! Well done :happy: