cokehubby Member


  • I want to extend my thanks to each of you that commented with advice and ideas. I appreciate all of it. I will give a few of the ideas a try and see what works for me. Have I mentioned I love this site? *Smile* -Duncan
  • What is the Glucose companion app? Is it for the computer?
  • Healthy cloud page just says that, no links, no info, nothing. Thanks though for trying.
  • I've been trying to get "Normal" levels for 3 years. I have a dietician, my diabetic consultant, clinic and dr. Going for a new test thingy where it gets attached to me for a week or so and keeps track. Tired of pricking myself. LOL I do everything I'm supposed to, eat what I'm told, track carbs (I Love this site for…
  • I have a monitor, I am diabetic. I have to take my blood 4-8 times per day with 4 needles a day. I just need a place to put the results (monitors only hold 10 days max) maybe even one that shows spikes, trends etc.
  • What I mean is I need a program where I can put my levels (after I test them myself of course) in so I can keep track of them. Meters only keep 10 days or so. I have to write them all down with day, time, insulin taken etc. It would be nice to have a program.
  • Well darn, I was hoping. I don't want to have to do another program every day, it is very hard to do more when you work and there is only so many hours in a day LOL Maybe someone out there knows of a program that does both? Thanks!