Diabete's question

I love this program, been using it for a couple weeks now, but I have a question.
Is there any way to add "track blood sugar" ?
If not, does anyone know where I can find a program like this, that tracks carbs and fiber as well as blood sugar?
Thanks in advance.


  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    You can track your daily sugers and carbs but blood suger is not the same thing. It's watching for spikes and drops. It's very different.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: don't know of anything like that except you would have to use a meter with blood sample to get your reading. i have to test mine with a meter & blood sample 3 times a day in order to know how much insulin to take
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    Well darn, I was hoping. I don't want to have to do another program every day, it is very hard to do more when you work and there is only so many hours in a day LOL
    Maybe someone out there knows of a program that does both?
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I don't think there's an app for that. You should use a blood sugar monitor. It'll help you figure out what foods are spiking your blood sugar.
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    What I mean is I need a program where I can put my levels (after I test them myself of course) in so I can keep track of them. Meters only keep 10 days or so. I have to write them all down with day, time, insulin taken etc. It would be nice to have a program.
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    I have a monitor, I am diabetic. I have to take my blood 4-8 times per day with 4 needles a day. I just need a place to put the results (monitors only hold 10 days max) maybe even one that shows spikes, trends etc.
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    Some diabetics add their bg #'s in the notes section. I still use a paper Blood sugar log for bg #'s, net carbs per meal and insulin injected b/c I don't want to put all that on MFP. Besides my Dr. doesn't want to see everything I ate, he just wants me to report the numbers.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    What I mean is I need a program where I can put my levels (after I test them myself of course) in so I can keep track of them. Meters only keep 10 days or so. I have to write them all down with day, time, insulin taken etc. It would be nice to have a program.

    I was wrong. They do exist.! Try healthycloud.com
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I track mine as "additional measurements" in the "Check in" page.
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    My Freestyle Lite meter keeps 600 readings, gives 7 day, 15 day, & 30 day averages and hooks to additional software for analysis that I haven't used. I Love my meter
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    I've been trying to get "Normal" levels for 3 years. I have a dietician, my diabetic consultant, clinic and dr. Going for a new test thingy where it gets attached to me for a week or so and keeps track. Tired of pricking myself. LOL
    I do everything I'm supposed to, eat what I'm told, track carbs (I Love this site for that!), exercise, plus I work. I just can't get them under control. My "group" of the above people want to see what I ate, when, how much, carbs, fibers, exercise, times...everything. Sure would be easier with a program :)
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I use the Glucose companion app, and find it helpful for tracking my sugars.
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    Healthy cloud page just says that, no links, no info, nothing.
    Thanks though for trying.
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    What is the Glucose companion app? Is it for the computer?
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    I have been Type I for many years and I actually found MFP looking for one site or program that did everything. It's the closest thing I could find. MFP tracks macros (carbs, proteins, fat). You can add sugar to your macros on MFP as well. As for your blood sugar readings, I take mine with my meter and put the results in the "notes" section each day. For example, in the morning when I take my blood sugar, it'll enter a note like "FBS=129 (8:00a)". "FBS" means fasting blood sugar and then I put the result and time of test.

    Good luck!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    It sounds like you are only looking for a way to record your blood sugar readings. You can do that in your diary in a couple ways:

    -As one poster wrote, you can put it in the notes section of your diary
    - You can change the labels on your diary to correspond to breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks/blood sugars. (I have mine set up as breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks. You do this by going to settings, which can be found under the blue tabs at the top of the screen when on your home page. Then, you can create a new food. Title it something unique to you like 'My Blood Sugar', set the serving size to 1, servings per container to 1, and calories to 0. Then save it (don't check the "let other MFP users use this food). Then you can add just like any food and use the "servings" as your blood sugar reading. You can track it in the time categories you have set up (ie breakfast, lunch dinner).
    - You can add an additional measurement in the check-in tab. This will give you great info and even graphical displays. However, if you record multiple readings in one day, I'm not sure how that will look - I've only used it to track 1 value a day.

    I have tracked medications, blood pressures, and other daily metric in this way. One thing to note - when/if you change your categories (breakfast, lunch, etc) - it changes he labels historically. So it could jumble up your times of day if you change those labels. I have seen some folks set their categories to: 6AM-9AM, 9AM-12, 12-3. However, by creating the new food it will always label as blood sugar.

    Hope that helps!
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    An app I used in the past on my phone was Ontrack Diabetes. It worked well for recording your sugar levels, Blood pressure, weight and exercise. I used it primarily for the sugars though. Im on Android, not sure if there is an Iphone version or not.
    Not totally what your looking for but might work.

    Good luck
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    For more general support you might be interested in joining this group
  • cokehubby
    cokehubby Posts: 8 Member
    I want to extend my thanks to each of you that commented with advice and ideas. I appreciate all of it. I will give a few of the ideas a try and see what works for me. Have I mentioned I love this site? *Smile*