

  • Lots happening for you! Good luck!
  • Um, husband heard this on a daily basis. Nowadays when he comes in I just point at the tv and shush him.
  • Age: 35 5'4 4 kids and crazy HW: 233 CW: 218 GW: 175 (short term)
  • I just wanna give you a high five for breastfeeding :-)
  • I liked Nine. Nine doesn't get enough credit sometimes, I think. But for the record, my favorite was Four. Talk about showing my age, huh?
  • I was a heavy mt. dew drinker, too! I dropped 5 pounds just by cutting out pop (this was before any other diet changes and with no exercise). But man, it was tough! That's all I wanted. LOL
  • Great idea! As far as August goals I need to focus on exercise. I have three kids starting school in two weeks..One going in to High School, one starting Kindergarten, and another going in to Head Start. My oldest's schedule is going to be insane this year and my youngest will need picked up in the middle of the day. My…
  • I'm a nerd, married to a nerd, and happily raising little nerdlings. I would like to enter into evidence the names of my children: Xander, he's almost 15. I was quite the trendsetter back in the day. Dresden, after the only wizard in the yellow pages. Liam Maxwell, because someone else in the family was already named…
  • I have the same problem. I have four kids and I work part time so I would forget to eat. My average intake (I tracked it when I began) was usually under 700 calories and I should be getting at least 1700 (Plus I'm a nursing mother). My weight all came from not eating and not getting enough exercise..basically, I killed my…
  • Hello and good luck!
  • I'm a busy mom of 4 with about 30 pounds to lose to hit my first goal. I have three sons (14, 5, and 4) and an 18 month old daughter. I could really use some extra motivation. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • Hello everyone! My name is Christy and I'm trying to get back on the horse so to speak. I have four kids, three boys (14,5, and 4) and one daughter (18 months). I work part time in the mornings and I spend almost the entire day and night taking care of the kids. My teenager is active in marching band so it seems like…
  • MotherCruncher...because small children tend to repeat words they hear their parents say I've had to retrain my brain when it comes to dropping an F bomb when frustrated. I used to be a single mom and I worked in the office at a construction company..I got frustrated a lot. This stuck.
  • I'm fluent in typo if that helps?
  • I need geeky friends, too.
  • Ok...I give. How the heck do I post a picture?
  • Do costumes I made for my kids count? I love dress up of all kinds. I dont do it enough myself, but I indulge my kids every chance I have...or rather, they indulge me? LOL