

  • I actually lost a little wait on it (this was years ago, haven't taken it in quite some time) but if I recall, my doctor mentioned this might happen. I have never heard of the opposite. (gaining weight)
    in Zoloft Comment by eteter2 August 2011
  • I won't say I am great at this, but I find it helps...I have a major addiction to reeses peanut butter cups...(or any Reeses product for that matter) I have been know to walk to the local CVS and buy 30$ worth after trying to go cold turkey...I found that once I allowed myself to eat a regular reeses every once in a while…
  • I think that there is some strength training involved with the Tae Bo and Yoga...I don't honestly know if going to straight cardio is good. I do both cardio and strenght (I am training for a 1/2 marathon and find that I can run farther/longer when I incorporate the strength work.
  • they get sucked in by the apples and think "what a great idea", this must be good for me.
  • EA Sports Active (there is a version 1 & 2)
  • IMHO I think 3 to 4 days a week of 30 minutes strength plus your cardio (as long as you are eating right and losing wieght) should be enough to get you relatively toned. I say that yet I am far from tone right now, but I am also 20lbs overweight. My favorite ways of doing strength is with Exercise TV on demand. (If you…
  • I wasn't a runner before I quit smoking so I probably can't be of any help. When I quit (almost 2 years ago) I kept the weight off by running 3-5 days a week and walking my dogs 3-5 days a week. I never lost weight (so clearly I was eating more) but I didn't gain. This site has really helped me understand the amount of…
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