In a Galaxy far far away...

One of the reasons I joined this site was to ensure that I could have access to others who just know what I am trying to achieve. My weakness is Galaxy chocolate. In fact, I would say that it is an obsession to the point of lunacy. I collect/covet Galaxy bars and Im not talking about the small bars, Im talking the 'family' bars (family?? Yeah, right!!) At any one time I have at least three in the house. My husband came into our bedroom where I was surfing the net on my laptop and noticed some small flecks of brown substance on the duvet...and on my chest...and on the keyboard. "Where is the chocolate that was over there" he said pointing to the dresser. " I put it out of site so I would not be tempted" I replied ..."In my knicker draw". "Then why do you have chocolate in your hair?" he said carefully extracting a smallish lump.... "I was saving it for later" came my rubbish reply

How do others tackle their cravings? I am struggling to move past the chocolate aisle in Sainsbury's where my beloved resides. I will go for so long then utterly cave in and inhale chocolate like it is oxygen!!


  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    Alot of people say to indulge...just in moderation. Don't deprive yourself of your craving because it can lead to a binge. Try getting the smaller bar and telling yourself that you can only have half.

    I can honestly say that this doesn't work for me....but it does for alot of ppl.
    I tackle my cravings by quiting cold can't be in the house at all or I will consume it...sad but true.
    Also if I find myself craving something it's usually because I'm bored, so if I do something and distract myself, I forget all about my craving.

    I also found that after about a month of eating healthier that I have fewer and fewer junk food cravings.
  • eteter2
    eteter2 Posts: 7
    I won't say I am great at this, but I find it helps...I have a major addiction to reeses peanut butter cups...(or any Reeses product for that matter) I have been know to walk to the local CVS and buy 30$ worth after trying to go cold turkey...I found that once I allowed myself to eat a regular reeses every once in a while (not a king size, and not everyday), and eat a healthy dessert every day (I need dessert and lately I have chosen strawberries with non-fat yogurt), I have kept my addiction at bay. good luck though. I understand..and I may end up at CVS tomorrow if I am not careful.