NCFootballCoach Member


  • I have been told by a nutritionist and trainer that in order to burn fat and process your nutrients that a male needs to 55% water and a female 60% water. They said the average person is only 40-50% water, which is okay to prevent dehydration, but won't allow you to process your food for proper digestion and metabolism.
  • Thanks everyone! I've been so motivated by all the success stories on here.
  • Sounds like my kind of friend!
  • I weigh every day on a slide scale in the locker room, just to see the effects of sodium and such. The number I concern myself with is the digital scale every Wednesday night after my workout. The slide scale is not always accurate, as people mess with it freely. Also, I don't let it get me all upset. I will be upset with…
  • Been on here since January this site. It is so helpful and motivational! Feel free to add me
  • Having friends on here is great for motivation...especially on those days you feel down because of lack of progress! I say laugh a little and just keep pushing!
  • I like it when people say they need to workout and get healthy so they can be there for their kids when they get older, and then turn and say that they can't workout because they don't have the time because of work.
  • link to pic of me heading to finish line!!!
  • So today was the 5K!!! Had good shoes, slowly progressed for a month from 1 mile to 2 I had never actually run a full 3.1 miles before today. Finished in 33:11!!! Would have been better time, but I had to stop at the 2 mile mark to pee in the trees which took a while because of how much water I have been…
  • Thanks for all the advice guys! Definitely helpful. I am currently working out about 6 days a week with cardio everyday. M, T, W, F, and either Sat or Sun for about 30-45 minutes on the elliptical at about 160 strides per minute as my steady speed, with one of those days doing it circuit style with a max out speed of 210…
  • I prefer dynamic warmups anyways...I was kind of suspect when we started stretching my football team like that, but that was the first season I had no injuries on the team I coach except for one concussion.
  • Thanks! I need to make sure to stretch for sure, otherwise my Labor Day weekend will be completely ruined. I plan on getting new shoes for the running, not sure how much I plan on continuing because of football season starting and between teaching and coaching won't have as much time to workout. Look forward to the race…