katdow87 Member


  • not seeing results fast enough, for some reason I've gotten it in my head that if i eat "right" or count my calories for two days,or work out everyday that week. that i should be 10 lbs lighter. then i get discouraged and stop...just to watch the scale numbers increase.
  • nah, it's about hard work, not me. that was the point anyway. people are getting to be more and more lazy, and just wanting hand outs.....i believe she should know the meaning of hard work, not just the "give me mentality" also, i understand others believe in different gods, i respect that. but wouldn't they want the…
  • 1. So it's okay to teach your child it's okay lie? 2. You expect your child to trust you? 3. Why not just teach them the truth, It;s about GOD 4. A creepy fat guy watching us all year long, then coming down our chimney eating our food and leaving. CREEPY! (and what if you don't have a chimney) 5. It's bribery, if you were…
  • He works full time and manages the the buses at our church, mows the lawn when it needs it. other then that.... chair, food, and netflicx... frustrating. btw im her daughter.