

  • Are you checking your measurements? Sometimes the scale doesn't budge but the waist is smaller! I focused on cardio for the first 2 months of my weight loss/health journey and have now added in weight training and the pounds are coming off again. Maybe switch up your routine?
  • IMO, because they are "forced" to now. When you have a spouse, you have security (for most healthy relationships). What happens to your confidence and self image when that relationship ends? You then focus on the only thing you can control -- yourself.
  • Hello, It does get easier. Each day gets a little and little easier. I've been exercising and watching my calories since the end of December. I've lost a total (including before MyFitnessPal) of 15 pounds, 3 inches in the waist and 1.5 inches around the hips. I do allow myself to splurge and have wine or an alcoholic…
    in Hi Comment by kbweigl May 2013
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