

I'm new. I'm 44, in the UK and on a medically supervised VLCD. I started it Monday and feel like i'm starving at the moment!

I have 84 lbs to lose - I'm not sure how long i'll be on the VLCD and when i'll swap to a healthy eating plan. I have medical problems & really need to get this weight off and keep it off! I've lost similar amounts of weight before but always put it back on again. So i'm hoping for inspiration and motivation from people in the same boat.

:happy: nice to meet you all


  • MarianneC93
    MarianneC93 Posts: 60 Member
    Oh don't! I'm always yo yo dieting! But this is what I'm hoping will be my final and overwhelmingly successful weight loss attempt! 84 lbs - you go girl! I'm hoping to lose 56 lbs. So far it's going really well though :)

    Best of luck! I now cycle to work which has been every day this week and have lost a whole 4lbs in under 7 days! And that's even with a cheeky bit of Lindt Easter bunny ears! :D

    How is yours going?

    Good luck! And remember, what's 8 months of changing bad eating habits, getting that exercise regime going, and resisting the urge to have that extra glass of wine when you are going to have a lifetime of being able to go into a shop and choose anything you want because nothing will make you look fat; or eating food which make your skin and hair flawless, or exercising which is giving you a longer life to enjoy it all? So worth it. Plus, just think, in 2-4 months time, whenever you put up a new photo people will undoubtedly notice and congratulate you, giving you more motivation to show just how healthy you are going to end up becoming! :D

    Hope that helps - that's what I tell myself when my resistance starts waning :) Good luck
  • bookworm221
    bookworm221 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Marianne
    Yo-yo dieting is the story of my life! But this is it!! After going through this I am NOT doing it again! :)

    Thanks for the inspiration. It's going OK at the moment but i'm starving - all the time - it's the mental battle that's the hardest. I'm told that once my body goes into ketosis I won't feel so hungry - fingers crossed.

    You are doing very well - cycling is brilliant. I can't exercise at the moment but am hoping to when some of the weight is off.
  • kbweigl
    kbweigl Posts: 3

    It does get easier. Each day gets a little and little easier. I've been exercising and watching my calories since the end of December. I've lost a total (including before MyFitnessPal) of 15 pounds, 3 inches in the waist and 1.5 inches around the hips.
    I do allow myself to splurge and have wine or an alcoholic beverage occassionally. But, the next day I'm pushing it harder in the gym.

    Focus on how you feel -- the energy that you have and how you made it x days. Don't focus on what you are "depriving" yourself of. There's more to life than donuts and brownies and cookies (those are my vices).