smakmesilly Member


  • AMEN!! However I do disagree on gaining weight. You will lose if you adjust your diet. Losing weight has everything to do with what you put in your mouth. It just takes some time to adjust and figure out your metabolism. Working out makes you fit, eating right fuels the fit and helps you get skinny. :)
  • I didn't say the lotion got rid of the cellulite, I believe it's the massage and the plyometrics. Weight training I have heard reduces the appearance (or maybe shrinks) cellulite. You really just need to reduce your body fat, but it's obviously got to involve some muscle toning as well. I have seen many women with…
  • Spoon fulls of Cinnamon and Sugar. Weird. :)
  • I have always had cellulite in my thighs and butt, and it's always been there even when I got down to my goal weight. But in the last three months I have noticed a SIGNIFICANT reduction in my cellulite in my thighs. I have been doing Turbo Fire daily and I think that the cellulite buster is the plyometrics. Jumping and…
  • Okay, so I am a successful WW follower. I lost over 40 pounds in 05 on WW and kept it off for five years until I decided I liked being lazy. After being lazy for a while, I found out I was wrong, I didn't like it. So I went back to old faithful WW and added insanity. I got really frustrated. I gained. WHY!:?!?!? Well I…
  • I actually was complaining about this exact thing this morning. It's so frustrating especially when you are sweating gallons. Well here's the thing. After talking with some fitness finatics that I know they all said I was definately not eating enough. Especially my protein. So here is what they told me. Add calories by…