Turbo Fire and Weight Watchers hmmm

(hopefully appropriate that I can say I'm on ww's here?)

I've been on ww's for a little over 2 years now...and lost 50 pounds..after a while I knew how many points were in the foods I was eating...and I really wasnt being extremely strict on counting points and knowing exactly how many i had at the end of the day..but it was the only thing that actually worked..and I lost weight doing it this way..I've not lost anything since november and havent changed what I've been eating..I decided to pick up the pace with Turbo Fire..Currently on week 4 as of today..and I've managed to GAIN 5 pounds....It doesnt seem like much...but it bugs me..i've worked very hard for the last two years in getting it off..and in four weeks of jumping around my living room..I've put on weight...I didnt change what I was eating for the first two weeks..I became a little concerned when I noticed on the scale (and even measurements) that i was gaining..so I googled..and it was suggested I add more calories...Which is what I did last week...(and i think I personally needed it as the longer workouts I just didnt have any energy to keep going with them)

I havent measured just because of time...but after getting on the scale..I'm not sure I want too...although I think from the schedule I'm not suppose to measure and weigh in till the end of the 4 weeks...I did find in one of the info that came with the program to calculate how many calories you should be eating...so with that I should get 2200 calories...I'm going to try and keep track of calories this week just to see what I'm taking in..cause with points I dont really know...but its week four...is it really possible to have gained 5 pounds of muscle? I'm not filling out my clothes either...I'm just confused at this point if I'm eating to few..or to many...or if this is just normal ...its discouraging to be putting in this work and not really seeing much results..more or less going backwards...i cant go around saying i've lost 50 pounds anymore


  • smakmesilly
    smakmesilly Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, so I am a successful WW follower. I lost over 40 pounds in 05 on WW and kept it off for five years until I decided I liked being lazy. After being lazy for a while, I found out I was wrong, I didn't like it. So I went back to old faithful WW and added insanity. I got really frustrated. I gained. WHY!:?!?!? Well I took a month off of insanity and bought Turbo Fire......LOVE this workout. BUT I didn't lose a thing.

    Here's why.....
    WW works on a 1200 calorie a day budget. That is seriously not enough cals for the workout and it's really tough to stay on WW with the points plus plan. You can't accurately track your cals on WW.
    So I left WW and I am tracking with FP religiously.
    I had to totally do a trial and error type strategy to find that "sweet spot" where I lost. I upped my cals up to 1800 a day and wasn't tipping the scale for about a week and then I dumped the cals to 1400-1600 and the pounds started shredding.
    Now everyone is totally different. Your metabolism is your beast. So you have to figure it out yourself. That takes patience.
    So my advice is eat your RMR - 500 cal deficit for a week, see what that does, and slowly back off in increments of 100 to 200 cals a day (for a week at a time). NEVER eat under 1200 Cals a day EVER!!!!
    Stick with the workouts, if anything you are gaining strength and increasing muscle. I am in my final month of TF and I will say that I was disappointed at first at my weight loss rate, but I have lost 4 pounds a month consistently on Turbo Fire and I can't believe how my body has changed. I will be doing another round of TF and probably add Chalean Extreme, but I know that I have to eat those cals to burn off the weight I want to lose.
    I have changed my mind set to stop thinking about being skinny and start thinking about being strong and the skinny is a natural byproduct. People are noticing and I have lost over 35 pounds since last Sept. The funny thing is though, no one really noticed until this last month because the muscle and fat loss has finally kicked in high gear. I have been doing TF for 4 1/2 months and it's finally showing enough that others are noticing. So you really have to stick with it and be patient.
    Be patient, Do Not Compare yourself to anyone else, and be proud of what you are doing for yourself.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Turbo fire is fun, and great results once get used to it
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    You will always fail by WW standards if you are either exercising hard or lifting heavy as you will gain weight. They measure success by a number on a scale. Which anyone who has been on MFP any length of time knows is incorrect. I don't like WW for that reason. Never be upset by weight gain if you are exercising. Usually it is because you are changing your body. Go by how your clothes fit and the measuring tape. Turbo Fire is a tuff workout and if you are consistent with the workout you can't help but gain weight.

    Hang in there. You will soon see much success..
  • smakmesilly
    smakmesilly Posts: 7 Member
    AMEN!! However I do disagree on gaining weight. You will lose if you adjust your diet. Losing weight has everything to do with what you put in your mouth. It just takes some time to adjust and figure out your metabolism. Working out makes you fit, eating right fuels the fit and helps you get skinny. :)
  • giggalz
    giggalz Posts: 54 Member
    so sorry i'm late replying back..i didnt think anyone did!

    id still like to keep within ww's...i've done it so far for this long and lost weight..although i stopped losing..thus why i started working out...i never did before cause i got hungry..needed to eat more..and no enough points for it...or just to afraid too..not sure...i've been using this app for my food...i have it set to 1650..when i searched up how many calories were in 1 point i got 50...so ...opps i just realized my math was wrong lol..it should be 1617...i divided my weeklies evenly through the week..then times that by 49..which would give me 1617...although now that i've corrected my math..i have been doing 1650 for the last week...i've been under my calorie goal.....

    not sure why i seem to be confused..maybe cause i'm not exactly counting points..but calories...or i'm so use to points..that this way is just weird to me? but so far looking through my week of tracking...i've got roughly 400ish+ calories remaining each day...one day did get to 390...I guess if my goal calorie is to be 1617...should i be hitting that exactly??? and not have any remaining left?

    i was suppose to record my results according to turbo fire schedule..i only had time for weigh in..will measure tomorrow..but i did lose the 5 pounds...and so i'm back to where i started before turbo fire...