

  • Well, I've missed a few excuse! But my weight for 06/17/11 is 138.8. Not sure if I will make my goal or not! It hasn't been easy that's for sure! Ugh! christina Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I've never heard of this process, but if it works I'm willing to give it a try just so I can get over my plateau...I'm tired of being the same weight for 3 weeks now (almost 4). Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • When my stomach starts growling I like to eat about 1 tbs of almonds (5 or 6 at least) just to get me through to my next meal..and a lot of water too! :-)
  • My June weigh in is 142.0 Goal this month is 5lbs. Challenges to over come...our new treadmill just crapped out on us last night! Ugh! Now it's time to start lifting more weights I guess! Positive attitude is another challenge I need to achieve this month!! Christina Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • How does this work...I'm fairly new and only log my weight and food diary. I need an extra push because I can't seem to get past my current weight and I'm feeling VERY frustrated.
  • Wow!! Everyone's comments/suggestions are GREAT! Thank you! I constantly have to be reminded (which my husband does this all the time) "that it's only been 3 weeks" and I tend to want immediate results (so I can be little impatient.) I definitely haven't done enough strength training so maybe that's what I should start…
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